No 13th Camp Kellogg, Grd. Rapids December 14th/62 Dear Brother Nell, I received your letter last evening and feel that to serve you right I ought to take no notice of it. If you cant write a longer letter than that I would like to know how you expect me to write long ones Why it was nothing but an aggravation to receive such a letter as the one you wrote last. But then perhaps I should have done the same that spelling school and the girls of course gave you no time to write more. I shall look for a longer one Soon, dated perhaps this morning; at least I hope so. I was am very thankful for the stamps, for without them, I should have been unable to send you this, as I spent the last cent of postage money yesterday in sending Rene a letter in answer to one I received from him Friday evening. He was well and as usual very busy chasing those “ragged devils”, the Secesh. [Written Horizontally on Page 2] His letter was dated the 6th of December. On the 29th of last month they had a very severe skirmish with them, which lasted nearly all day. The loss was very light being but two wounded in their company He seems to enjoy himself first rate; We are getting along here first rate and enjoying ourselves as well as any of Uncle Sams boys. We are all well and glad to hear that the folks at home are also well. The 6th has left us and ours is now the best and largest regiment on the ground. They moved away on Monday and Tuesday last, and the old camp looks quite desolate with out them. Col. Mann says that we shall be full by the first of January, and that we will leave here as soon as full, I hope this is so, but --------------- We have not received a horse yet, and not more than twenty men with the exception of forty for the battery, since we came back here last. Col. Mann says that 900 men are enlisted for this regiment, but they are slow in coming forward, I do not want you to think I do not beleive what our Col. tells, for he is respected as a man by his entire mess regiment. But there is something rather perplexing to hear his stories and not see the men. He employs nearly half the force of the regiment in building quarters for more men and everything indicates the expectation of more soon, perhaps as soon as we are ready for them. Forty men for the battery arrived here Tuesday evening, and a noble lot of men they are too, all Germans, but few of them able to speak English very well. They went to work next morning after they got here and mounted the four rifled guns that are here and arranged them together with caissons, forge, and battery wagons in line of battle, but it has been so wet and muddy, together with the lack of some of their equipment that with they have not drilled ^ or fired them any as yet. I wish you could see one of them a fine young fellow of perhaps five and twenty, an Italian who has been in the army for years, in Germany Russia, and but lately with Garibaldi un in Italy, and has been in this country but little more than a month. He is the best drilled man with a gun that I ever saw and no sane man would ever attempt to stand before him with a sword, some few have dared to do it here and have received some pretty hard knocks on head, hands shins and elsewhere where ever he chose to strike What on earth are all the folks at home doing, are they dead, asleep, or have they have forgotten that there ever was such a person as Ed Havens? I have written two letters to Father and Mother, and have received not a word in reply, also one to George Lee more than two weeks ago and yet no answer I declare I will quit writing altogether if folks cant pay their debts better than all this comes to. Rene is about the only one who has not forgotten me, I wrote to Isom and Melinda two weeks ago, no answer. Darn it what are they all about. Well all I've got to say is that if they want to hear from me again they have go to toe up. If not I'm satisfied. Perhaps they will want to see me should I come home Christmas, very well I shant run away from them at all; for by that time I shall want to see every one of them. But am I coming home then? Really I do not know. If the folks want to see me bad enough to send me about five dollars between this and Sunday next I think that I shall be home about Tuesday night or Wednesday morning. Newt and I are determined to come home then if we can get money enough to pay our fare from Kalamazoo to Niles. But this paying $2.00 stage fare from here to Kalamazoo is "played out" with us. We have made up our minds that we cant earn two dollars or $2.50 much easier than by walking that distance. Newt is at present chief bugler in the regiment with a pretty fair prospect of retaining that position. Hope he may, [Vertical on left side: "But this writing is about played out also. Please write as soon as received and if possible my next letter will be Ed"]