[Written upside down on top of Scan 1] It is Seven o'clock, and high time they was here. I must finish this letter now and mail tomorrow. Do for goodness sake answer in less time than 4 months. My love to you and yours. from Cousin Helen [End] We get letters from Carrie once_in_a_ while, oftener than I expected to, and we are all glad to hear from her. Have not heard from [illegible in original] or Cousin Eliza in quite a while. Hear often from broth er Charles & Cal Taylor has lately been to see him. He is dealing in horses, started last Sunday night for Boston with a Car load for a man living there. Willie and his wife are living at Fergus Falls Otter Gail Co of this State. They sent us some Christmas presents this winter. A [Written upside down across the top of Scan 2 and 3] Friday eve. It is a dark cloudy night, threatens a storm of some kind. William and Leroy went to Winona yesterday, and we are looking for them every minute [End] pair of Brackets, his own make, two Au- tograph Albums & a Primneer for Fred. Santa Claus remembered us all, but in a small way. Our men are very busy getting out stuff from the woods the fire wood, fencing for a hog pasture and also a pasture for the sheep and calves. (We have only three sheep but they have got to be kept within bounds Then William is going to put up a Bar_ rack for Hay, and is getting out timber for that. We have three new milch cows did have four, but sold one, after fat ing her calf. That we sold for $5.00 and the cow for $80.00. We expect to milk 14 this summer. Not a very cheering prospect I dont think. My plants are nice, have done well all winter and I have not lost one. Do you keep any, and if so what kinds have you got. I have some Crocuses blossomed now. and some Tulips budded that Eds mother sent me last fall. I prize them very highly. Dear me! I am so sleepy I cant write any more now. Wednesday evening. I will write a few in lines ^ this letter. I received a letter from [Asahel?] Austin tonight. They were all well, except the youngest child. He has been having the Scarlet Fever. [mark illegible in original] is not strong yet. Uncle Hart Cobb is better than when [Asahel?] wrote before. Arad Cobb. living in Missouri, talks of moving to Colorado, to try and bet- ter his fortunes. Freddie sends thanks to [Lencia?] for that nice letter, and will learn to write as soon as he can and write back to her. says tell her he wishes he could see her, for his Grand ma says she was such a nice baby, when she saw her. Say Leida! what is up? Are you going back on what you said about coming to see us. You know you was to put off that boy bus_ iness, till after you had visited Min nestota. I was judging when what you said in your letter, but hope it is a mis take