No 20th Lee Barracks, Grand Rapids January 21, 1863 Brother Nell Your welcome and most anxiously looked for a letter was received last night and I seize a few leisure moments this morning to answer it. No news to write, the same old story, as usual, and I do not think there will be anything new until we leave here. When we first came here and every thing was new to us I could find something to write about, but now everything has got steadily running and there is scarcely a jar in the machi nery worth noticing. Not that everything goes smoothly, and no one grumbles. Far from it, there is not a day but there is grumbling enough done were it of any effect to sink the whole state of Michigan to the lowest depths of perditions. A great share of it is useless and worse than useless because entirely uncalled for while a great share of it is quite pardonable and sensible. The whole sum and substance of it is that Col. Mann is “playing out” at as rapid a rate as ever Col. Quinn did. Col. Mann is a very strict discipline arian and all style very egotistical and of a quick, impetuous temper. He demands a great deal of respect from inferiors, no matter if they be officers or privates, and gets it “over the left. He demands a salute from every one who meets him and never returns one, and for myself, I have just about quit saluting him. I have had occasion to ad dress him at his quarters and also when on guard duty several times. At first I feared him and dared not enter his presence except I was as humble as a lamb. But now I care no more for him than I would for the meanest scoundrel I every met and respect him about as much. Lieut Col. Litchfield is altogether a different sort of man and I respect him highly as I also do both Majors Newcombe and Houston and our Adjutant Lieut Doty. Perhaps it would be as well if I had not said quite so much about Col. Mann. But what bred in the bone must come out in the flesh. He has not yet got his commission as a Col. and unless he fills his regiment up to the minimum number of nine hundred and forty-eight men within a short time he will not get it either. He went to Detroit on Saturday last and is expected to bring a mustering officer with him and have the remaining companies mustered in. It is also hoped but scarcely expected that the pay master may come with him, and pay us what is due us being to our company four months pay due to nearly every man. The delay in paying us is a fruitful source of complaint among the men. It seems rather hard that we should fulfill our share of the contract between our selves and the Government and have them neglect to fulfil their share of the same. It seems unjust and in civil life we could not be held in this camp five minutes but I suppose we are in for three years or during the war. You will think I am homesick and wish I was out of this. But you are sadly mistaken. I do not want to leave company or service. All I would ask is that I could be put some where where I could do what I enlisted to do, namely help to get the country out of this fuss. but which I never will do as long as Col. Mann commands the 7th Now a few words concerning our regiment and its future prospects. The regiment to day consists of between eight and nine hundred men in camp and between nine and ten hundred horses. The horses are divided among the companies but not assigned individually to the men. Our company has dark bays, and have got a good lot of horses. It is expected that we will go to Washington and be joined with the sixth in a brigade under command of Genl. Cope land formerly Col of the [5?] Cavalry. As for my not coming home I must repeat it furloughs are played out. I think that at present I stand as poor a chance as anyone in the company. I am acting Commissary Sergt. and also performing duty as a duty Sergt. How long I shall hold the post of Commissary is not known. I shall not however be acting Com long, as I will either have the post given me permanently or give it up entirely. It is no promotion The only advantage being that it will give me a slight business education that will be of service should I ever enter civil life again. I am glad to hear that Jim Lee has got home again and hope he may be well enough to come out and see us. I can not say how long we shall remain here. I hope not long however. I wish you could come out and see us if you can. I shall not give up trying to come home yet awhile but must say that I think the case hopless or almost so Tell Mother that I thank her for her kind ness, but that there is nothing that she could send me that I need. All citizens clothing is ordered to be packed up and sent away from camp. I am lucky in this respect as I have none here. We have all the clothing that we need here or could use. There are about three inches of snow and Newt has just asked me to take a sleighride this evening and I dont know but I shall accept the invita tion. I wish that some of the folks from the bend could be here to go with us. But the company has gone to dinner and I must go too. Give my best respects to all of the friends at home and tell them all to write to me. I had the misfortune to lose a few of those stamps and taking advantage of your kindness ask for a few more. My love to Father and Mother and tell them I wish they would write Your Brother Edwin R. Havens