Lee Barracks February 21st/63 Dear Father This morning I express you my valise con taining such articles as I do not wish to take with me. I have concluded not to carry it with me as it is most too good to throw away when we are obliged to take the field. In it you will find a box containing two portraits of myself intended for you, also two rolls, one of them you will please hand to some of Mr Jarvis's folks the other one please keep. There is also an envelope directed to Mrs Sarah Sparks which please hand to some of Spencer's folks. Yesterday Newt and I expressed two certificates framed sent to Mr Jarvis one of them is for you and the rest of our folks the charges are paid on that, but having nothing Smaller than a ten dollar bill I shall not pay the charges on this. I hope you will receive the money that I sent you Thursday morning. We are almost ready to leave for Washington and will start some time Monday. Everything is packed or will be today There is also an envelope directed to Mrs Sarah Sparks which please hand to some of Spencer's folks. Yesterday Newt and I expressed two certificates framed sent to Mr Jarvis one of them is for you and the rest of our folks the charges are paid on that, but having nothing Smaller than a ten dollar bill I shall not pay the charges on this. I hope you will receive the money that I sent you Thursday morning. We are almost ready to leave for Washington and will start some time Monday. Everything is packed or will be today