[Begin Scan 1] Camp on Meridian Hill in sight of Washington. March 4th 1863 Dear Nell Here I come at you again. You will see by the heading of this letter that we have made our second move and we now find ourselves on a high hill about 2 ½ miles from the Capitol and enjoying the most beautiful scenes one could wish to see: A little to the right of us we can see all of the city of Washington. the Potomac. Georgetown and all the different camps around the city.. As I wrote in the other sheet some of our boys came here Monday and set up a part of our tents. and the rest of us came out here yesterday morning in as fine a morning as one could wish for but we had scarcely set our foot in our tents when it commenced to snow great snowballs as big as your fist. then it would rain awhile then shine. and each sucessively all day.. At night it froze as hard as a rock. and this morning the ground was dry and pleasant again.. The wind is whistling through the camp shaking the tests and strongly reminding us of old Michigan.. So far we have had warm days and very cold nights.. We are in small “A” tents calculated for four in a tent.. In mine are my two corporals Newt Sparks and myself. I was almost afraid to go to sleep last night as the ground was wet. but we have a large officers tent cloth and an armful of hay for a bed with plenty of blankets and slept as sweetly as though I reposed in our old bed at home. Our sick are cared for and are now in good comfortable hospitals. Our horses stand but a few feet from our tents. without shelter of any kind. They bore the journey well.. I lost my little nag somewhere on the road. and yesterday morning was obliged to “cramp” another one.. I do not think him quite so good as the other but is still a good one.. We get but little news here. and know nothing of what is going on outside of our own limits and am not very well posted in what is going on within them: I believe our regiment is not yet brigaded.. We are in Gen Casey's division and under his control.. I have not yet seen him that I know of.. I saw one Brig. Gen in Washington on Monday.. We are encamped near a regt of infantry and also near a large hospital: This hospital was formerly a fine large residence with splendid grounds about it. Here we begin to see the effects of this war.. Large palaces once filled with all that one could wish to make him comfortable and contented now sit here deserted or used for army purposes. and filled with sick and wounded soldiers or army stores. One can a not visit these places without ^ feeling of heart sickness coming over him. There is but little more of military life to be seen here than in Niles or Grand Rapids. We occasionally see army wagons with their four horses all driven by one line Hoosier fashion the driver seated on the near wheel horse.. When we go into the city we see the streets filled with them and one can scarcely hear him self think for the noise they make. Were it not for the public buildings Washing ton would be far inferior in point of beauty to Kalamazoo or even Niles.. The streets are wider the stores and shops of plain bricks and not so full the whole presenting a dirty black appearance. The streets are filled to overflowing with gaily dressed ladies and military officers.. Yet although I said gaily dressed the ladies do not go to extremes as much as those of Grand Rapids nor put on so much “style”. The officers too. many of them do not dress quite so flashy as a few corporals I have seen. But by this time you are becoming weary of reading so much of uninteresting scribbling and my fingers begin to feel as if they were all thumbs.. I can not and dare not form any opin ion about the length of time we shall remain here.. The 5th & 6th Mich Cavalry have just returned from a chase after Stuart's cavalry. I can not say what success they had.. But I hardly think they had as good success as Corp Brickell and I did last night in our dash on the “Sway Backs” We killed 12 without the loss of a man and slept well over our exploits. being free from their nightly attacks on our poor tortured bodies.. Those that I caught were about as large as a half grown kitten.. and were slaughtered ruthlessly.. But enough of this. I shall begin soon to expect a letter from home. and I hope it will be longer than the moral law.. Answer this as soon as you get it directing to Washington D.C. Give my love to everybody and tell them all to write great fat letters to Ed..