The rebs were not driven from their positions on Clarke Mountain at Raccoon and Mortons Fords any great length of time. Our division crossed at these points three successive morn ings and returned again on Saturday driving the enemy four or five miles and in turn being driven by them. Our regt during these actions lost two men to wounded and three prisoners. our Co: none. As I said before the troops in returning resumed their old positions and with but little shifting still retain them and are now preparing winter quarters.. Gen Meade has his Hd Quarters near Brandy Station and the different Corp are distribu ted along a line running para lell with the course of the river. The 2nd Corps yesterday took up camps near us and around Stevensburg and all the after noon we were prepared to move at the word and expecting to go back into the defences of Washington and there take up winter quarters: but to day all is quiet again and our teams have gone to Brandy Station for forage and other supplies.. and it is not known when we shall leave here, or whether we leave at all. yet the prevailing opinion is that we shall b placed somewhere between Alexandria and the Rappahannuck to guard the R.R. the coming winter. The news of Braggs de feat reached us on the first day of our movement and as the troops received the joyful news they were enlivened and cheered and encouraged to perform deeds of valor that should place them on a par with their brothers of the southwest. Must our army always be doomed to be lead by some incompe tint or traitorous commander? I hope not. but rather that some Gen may yet be found who has the skill and knowledge to command them and the patriotism that does not shrink between Alexandria and the Rappahannuck to guard the R.R. the coming winter. The news of Braggs de feat reached us on the first day of our movement and as the troops received the joyful news they were enlivened and cheered and encouraged to perform deeds of valor that should place them on a par with their brothers of the southwest. Must our army always be doomed to be lead by some incompe tint or traitorous commander? I hope not. but rather that some Gen may yet be found who has the skill and knowledge to command them and the patriotism that does not shrink