[Penciled in on top of Scan 1 [1863] ] Bealeton June 10 We moved here last night and are now all saddled and packed awaiting orders to move. probably in the back track. The forces under Genl Buford crossed at Kelly's Ford yesterday morning and after several hours of hard fighting were forced to fall back again camping between here and the river. This mor ning they have moved farther back. Our loss is thought to be very heavy. The first fire received from the enemy we lost 40 horses and 30 men. 600 wounded were here last night It is awful to see the effects of this war and to submit it so frequent defeats in the “Army of the Potomac” is humiliating We hear nothing further from Hooker. But think he is changing his “base” What the result will be it is hard to tell but easy to conjecture ed and shameful if realiz^ Would that I were in the west Day fine and feeling excellent E R Havens