April 24th [1863?] You will think that I am bound to give you quite a letter and perhaps imagine that I am homesick because I write home so often and such long letters.. But I deny that I am homesick.. You all know the effect of rainy weather, and the tendency it has to cause ones mind to wander, and as I have nothing to read my mind must be releived of its thoughts and so I write. It does not rain this morning but is cloudy and with a cool wind.. and I think it quite probable that it will rain before night.. I must go on picket this morning and releive another Sergt who went on yesterday.. The picket duty we are doing at the present time is neither hard nor dangerous. being in fact naught but camp guards mounted. and to me seem totally unnecessary. No rebels are nearer to us than the Blue Ridge Mountains and if there was there are pickets extend ing miles from camp. Many are fool hardy enough to say that our noble Col is afraid to sleep unless the regt is under arms to guard him.. I dont think so although it may be so.. No telling. The pay master will be here to morrow and will proceed to pay us off immediately. His presence will be very wel come to all for many of the boys have not seen a “Green Back since the times of Auld Lang Syne.” I am not quite so badly off yet for I see a five cent postage currency scrip lying on my knee as I write.. that will help pay the postage on two letters and then well, I'll send them franked and let those who receive them pay the postage.. But you are getting tired and say I wonder what makes Ed run on so long. So for fear you will be so weary that you will neglect to write very soon I will stop.. Newt arrived in camp yesterday He is yet unable to do any duty.. Give my best respects to all the friends. and remember me as your most Affectionate Son and Brother Edwin R. Havens