Warrenton Junction Va Friday May 8th /63 The above pages were written a few days ago. and although now old I have no time to rewrite or remodel them and I send them as they are We still remain here. and have been on duty nearly every moment since coming here. We were releived from picket duty about 9 O,clock Tuesday night and came to camp.. It had commenced raining about 4 Oclock P.M. and rained very hard until we were releived. and I came into camp wet from my Knees down. my Poncho had protected the upper parts of my body. We had no tents pitched in camp except enough to accom modate those who had remained in camp.. and I crawled into one with three others to try and. sleep.. About 1 O'clock I woke up again and found it raining very hard and that the water on the blanket beneath me was about an inch deep.. Wasn't that comfort able. I almost wished I was at home then.. It rained all night and most of next day.. We had brought but two days rations of cracker, pork coffee and sugar with us and by this time they were getting pretty low.. We had a ration of oats for our horses in the morning but none ed at noon.. At 5 P M. I was detain^ with 22 men to go on picket again It rained nearly half the night. but. I was not obliged to be out in it much. I spent that night in a house the first one since I was at home two months and a half ago.. Several alarms were given by the pickets that night but nothing came from any of them.. Yesterday afternoon about 5 Oclock. L. Col. Litchfield with Co. B and G. went out after some oats as our horses had not had a mouthful since Wednes day morning. While a Lieut and ten men were at the house where the oats were 8 or ten “rebs” who had been in formed of their presence came back of a piece of woods to get in their rear and [illegible in original] them off as they came back not knowing that they had any sup port.. As they came around the corner of the woods they came upon the Col and 12 or 15 men and immediately fired upon them. receiving a volley in an swer upon which they fled.. No one of our men were hurt and it is not positvely known that any of them was. but one man was heard to scream and act as though they had been struck.. On hearing the firing the reserve pickets were ordered out and went up there. but as they had took to the woods none of them could be found and we came in without firing again. It is rumored that a camp of two or three thousand of them is within a few miles of us. yet the rumor is not widely credited. The greater part of the camps are at the farm houses in the country. as I beleive that every man is a guerrilla farming in the day time and prowling around at night.. We have heard good news ed from Hookers army he having defeat^ the rebels at every point. The last report however is that his army is again on this side of the Rappahan nock. I hardly credit the report and sincerely hope this is not so. We heard very heavy firing in the direction of Fredericksburg on Wednes day morning. Some who have been in many of the battles of last year say it was the hardest firing they ever heard.. We receive no mail this week and are beginning to feel very lonesome. Write often As Ever yours Ed