[Penciled in on top of Scan 1 [June, 1863] ] I hear an occasional report of artillery this morning in the direction of Centerville and Manassas Junction. yet I do not look for a battle for some days.. I am glad to see a movement in the army in this section be it of whatever kind it may.. I still have confidence in “Fighting Joe” and although we cannot see through his plans and designs in making this move ment I think it may and will tell in our favor yet.. Were our horses in good con dition I should be glad to see the fulfillment of our rumor and see our division in the Shenandoah Valley within the next ten days and as it is I shall not grumble if we are sent there even in our pres ent condition. The “Valley” is represented to be the richest portion of the state and furnishes more suste nance for the rebel army than the rest of the State and it is to our advantage to make a raid and destroy the now ripe ning crops. and I think the prospects not unlikely.. It seems very slow work for Grant to take Vicksburgh and it may yet escape his grasp very I should hate ^ much to see him retreat from here as Mc Clellan did from before Rich mond last year. It was reported by the Richmond “Dispatch” a few days ago that Kirby like or dislike their operations. But if the army has no confidence in their leaders but little can be done. Like Nell. I have not heard from Rene McGowan or John Cowles from time immemorial John I have not heard a word from since leaving Michigan and from Rene since April. I am sorry to hear that Newton Stephens is sick. I received a letter him from ^ of a date since a month ago in which he said he was in excellent health. I am glad to hear that Grant is to be reinforced as your report of the 12th going there would indicate.. Lee has undoubtedly lost heavily.. Hooker too as lost many [illegible in original] since his fight of a month ago