Near Stevensburg Va November 11th 1863 Dear Father. Having obtained the letters of recommendation I have seated myself to write you again and also to mail the same. I arrived here yesterday P.M. and found our regt in the [town?] and on seeing Capt Walker found that he had not received the note which I wrote him on Sunday.. He, however cheerfully sat down and wrote his letter and also received upon application Col Litchfield's and handed them to me this morning. Col Mann is absent from the regt or his Endorsement would have been solicited. We have no Lieuts in the Co. at present and Capt was all in the Co. whom I could call upon. There is no great [amt?] of news to write. and the most important you have already received. Our brigade sikirmished a little on Sunday but have had no fight of consequence.. I forgot to tell you in my last that Dan Lingo is supposed to have been captured near Falmouth last week while our division was on a scout in that vicini ty. Dan was a good soldier but his bravery was more recklessness than in cour age and led him to venture where prudence should have forbid. The rebs had commen ced putting up winter quarters between here and the Rappahannock. but have been forced to move far ther towards the “Sunny South. near here One or two camps ^ were left in a condition indicating that they were evacuated in something of a hurry. Our men picked up shoes canteens. sabres. and various articles which would not have been left behind at an usual tme.. Our “Signal Corps” again occupy Pony Mountain and our forces are near the Rapidan.. Cannonading in the direc tion of Raccoon Ford was heard early this morning. After “Grey Backs” went past here this morning on their way to Brandy Station I received the socks you sent me yesterday morning and was very thankful.. The weather is cold and windy.. and looks some like winter We could see the snow on the mountains yesterday morning. I have written all of any importance and will close.. I told you. I believe con cerning my preference. cavalry if possible, but not infantry.. Present my thanks (all that I can offer) to Mr Alexander for his kind ness in granting his assistance on this occasion My health is gaining. Your Affectionate Son Edwin R Havens