Stevensburg Va Sunday January 24th /64 Dear Father Yours of the 16th came to hand last evening. and although I have nothing of interest to write I have seated my self with the intention of answering it.. It found me enjoying the best of health and well pleased to find you were enjoying the same. The weather since I last wrote you has been beautiful. yet more mild than I should be pleased to see it. as it is a little too muddy to be entirely agreeable. The papers you promised me have thus far come regularly and I have received three within the past week. Two Chicago and one Detroit paper. and I can assure they have done me more good than anything I have received excepting letters in a long time We occasionally procure papers from the army News Boys. who sell. such as the N.Y. Herald Philadelphia Inquirer. Baltimore American or Washington Chronicle. There with the exception of the Herald are to use a common phrase. “Hound on the goose” i e. Union. and even that is more mild in its opposition than I had been brought to believe. You no doubt have heard all the rumors concerning Lee's reinforcing Longstreet. the throwing up of breast works on the banks of the Rapidan. and seeing every day the papers ^ can form some more correct opinions as to the [illegible in original] truth of them than I can.. Rebel deserters frequently pass by our camp. on their way to the Provost Marshal Gens office. many of them come to the pickets of our own regts They are mostly poorly clad. and are especial ly destitute of overcoats. One who came over last week said that he had been with a squad of twelve who had but one overcoat among them, and that the one who stood at the post wore it till releived when he gave it to the next one. He came on post. soon after midnight and after the others went to sleep. stuck his gun in the ground h and came over. A squad of six passed throug^ our camp a few days ago. and but one had an overcoat Our army is well supplied with every thing except Trowsers. and especially those for Cav. During this month over 900 Prs have been called for. for our Brig. and as yet not a pair can be procured. It is said there are none in Washington.. Another Regt or part of one (the 1st Vt).. from our Brig left for home the fore part of last week.. They have been receiving a number of new recruits during the past week also. amount ing in all to somewhere near three hundred. It is rumored that our three remaining regts 5th 6th & 7th will have the opportunity to reenlist and receive the bounties and furloughs. of the Gov. offered to them at the next pay. day. the 1st of March. I cant believe it, because I cant see the policy of the Gov. in doing this. If the offer is ever made us. cir cumstances at that time will determine whether I will accept it and become a “Veteran” or not.. I am glad to know that you are like Mr. Elliott as I, think him one of the best fellows I ever knew. I received a letter from him the night before last. in which he said he had met you.. I was sorry to see him re enlist as seven months more would set him free. and if he should try he could easily get his discharge Two Sergts from our company start for Michigan tomorrow to recruit. for our regt One of them is from Niles. He is a brother of S.N. Pratt who used to keep a Jewelry Store in Niles.. Several commissioned officers among them Capt Walker might have gone. but they got into quite a quarrel among themselves about it the consequence of which was none will go now. Capt Walker.s Father is making him a vis it now. I met him last night and was much pleased with his appearance. He lives in Orleans County New York. I think.. About that commission business. circumstances have changed so since I first wrote concerning it that I now feel quite unconcerned about it. If I remain in the Quarter Master's office long enough to become thoroughly acquainted with the business I can procure my discharge from the service on those grounds alone. and yet remain in Gov employ at a salary of from 75. to 100. dollars. Pr. month and as the Quarter Masters business will last as long as the Gov. does. an opening for life will thus be made. never It is, I think, unnecessary for me to say that I ^ sought to induce the Capt to give me the place. you know me well enough to know. that I never court any bodys favor or at least do not fawn and flatter them to procure it. I enlisted with the intention. and expectation of serving through the war. as a soldier in the ranks. and I believe the only true heroes of the war. are the rank and file of the army But as some one must serve the country in these capacities Do you blame me for accepting the chances of a perma nent and honorable p occupation for life Ever Your Devoted Son Edwin R Havens