A. General. of the 5th Corps. (I know neither his rank or name) has his head quarters in a large and commodious house. which, however is situated some little distance from the camps. and is guarded by only a few orderlies in addition to his own body.guard.. The spies of Mosby ap prised him of this and he determined to cap ture the “institution.” But his schemes were frustrated by an accidental occurrence. On the night chosen by Moseby for the execution of his scheme. a Lietuenant who was in command of the cavalry body guard of the aforesaid Gen. had made a visit to someone, perhaps a “lady love,” and was returning at a late hour to camp. when on entering a road leading directly to the house aforesaid, he found himself in the rear of a body of some 70 rebs. going to cap ture the Gen. He withdrew himself without being discovered and taking another route and making ^ the best of time he possibly could reached the camp and aroused the guard to repel the attack. No time was to be lost as they were already fearfully near so every man. Gen and all tumbled out in their shirt [illegible in original] ------- that is to say, in an interesting state of dishabille and formed in line behind a brush fence to await the onset of “Mr. Moseby” who had already formed his men in line having captured the picket whom they surprised asleep. and was marching to wards the house. In grim. and I dare say shivering silence they awaited them until they were within 8 or ten rods they opened upon them with revolvers killing four or five and severely wound ing as many more. and as the “Johnnies” broke in dismay they rushed after them firing upon them and wounding many more. They pursued in this way nearly two miles before turning back.. The night was cold the ground covered with snow and scarce a man had anything more than drawers and Shirt on Next morning their tracks were easily followed. and several more wounded rebs were picked up at houses near by. This story was told me by one of my own men who heard an acquaintance of his an eye witness of the scene relate it.. I cant vouch for its truth but it will do to tell.. Mr Dixon came to my tent with Harvey Reynolds on the 2nd of this month. and I had a pleasant visit with him. for nearly an hour.. I was much pleased with him and most heartily glad to see any one from Michigan Harvey Reynolds cut his foot some ten days ago and is likely to be laid up for some time with it.. Al Park and Will Graham are both well. I still live with the boys who came here with me and shall I think so long as we all remain here. Will Graham is now acting Commissary Sergt for the Company, which though not always a very desirable position is a good one for him this winter. as it releives him from picket duty. which is spread on our boys as freely as though it didn't cost anything He is the only non-commish. of our Co. who participated in every battle during the last. Summers Campaigns. and I am glad to seen him get a little respite from duty.. I am glad to hear from Rene. and know that he is still alive. But I do not believe you can begin to imagine what he must endure. Nor do I suppose I can form an adequate idea. of them though I know better than you what it is to live on a stated and stinted supply of supply of food. my sincere hope is that his stay there may be an short one and that I may live to meet him when “this cruel war is over” I have not heard from home since the 27nd of last month and am anxiously waiting for one every day. Give my best wishes to all “inquir ing friends”.. accept the same for yourself [illegible in original] and family.” Look out for the Curls: Miss Laura and others. and don't forget to write soon to your aff. Brother Ed