[Written upside down on top of Scan 1] We have unloaded again and think of staying over night again. It is outrageous mean to make us get up before day light. Ed [End] Stevensburg Va March 2nd 1864 Dear Father and Mother Your welcome letter of Feb. 23d came to hand last evening and having nothing of any great importance to do. I will try to answer it.. The expected movement of which I spoke in my note of Sunday evening commenced at the appoin ted time and I presume, “Old Kill” is now somewhere in the vicinity of Richmond. He crossed at Ely's Ford. and captured a squad of pickets numbering about 20, among whom was a Capt. and I have been told a Lieut.. who when captured were quietly. sleeping in a house near their post, The last heard from him he had passed Spottsylvania Court House. between 40 & 50 mile from here. and had it was said taken about 140 prisoners without meeting any considerable force of the enemy.. We had a big scare here this morning about four O'clock.. The Officer of the Day reported that the enemy were crossing the river at Germania Ford in large force and we were ordered to get every thing ready at once to move at a moments notice.. We did not tear down our “Shanties” but had everything packed so that we could move as soon as the order to do so was given. About 9 O'clock everything had grown quiet again no. enemy had made their appear ance, and orders were given to un hitch and feed and there we stand. everything being loaded yet.. Various reports keep coming in. it seems that about two companies of the “johnnies” crossed the river this morning. when some infantry belonging to the 2nd Corps attacked them and drove them back and captured about forty prisoners Gen Custer who had command of a separate expedi tion which went in another di rection from that taken by Kil patrick returned this morning. Report says that he [struck?] the R R. somewhere beyond [illegible in original] and had quite a severe fight ed with Stuarts Cavalry. and destroy^ a bridge and tore up the track be fore returning.. Yesterday was a very rainy day and last night it stormed snow and sleet nearly all night. and you can believe that it was not very pleasing to think we must be turned out of doors at such a time. But for all we were so frightened we could not hear a bugle or drum from the infantry camps and we waited in vain for the sound of a cannon. It has been a beautiful day and I daresay will be so after our men get back into camp and until some movement is again com menced. The teams that went out Monday morning have just re turned.. The went out some eight miles beyond James. City. and re mained all day yesterday.. and started back at night.. I hope Nell will not be induced by anyone to enlist but that he will come home and stay till I get back.. I am glad to learn that you are in such good health and spirits. My health is good as ever again and your letters are fast raising my spirits. I cant ask you to answer all my letters but I do really like to hear from home at least twice a month. So write as often as you can. Yours Truly. E R Havens