Stevensburg Va. Saturday April 9th 1864 To Our Folks. I have received letters from each and all since writing last and will now try to answer them all in one although I have but slight materials to make a letter from. We are having very stormy, muddy weather. at present. much the same as last year. though I think a little worse. It rains almost every day and we are sometimes so surrounded by water as to be unable to get out of camp. Such has been the case once during the present week. The incessant rains make it very difficult to get supplies from Alexandria in sufficient quantities to supply the demand.. We have been compelled to go without potatoes for the past five days and also hay for our horses. and can get neither now.. It rained nearly all night last night and has been and is now raining and bids likely to continue all day. Everything is quiet as yet and will remain so no doubt as long as the bad weather continues. Troops are coming in from Washington and Alexandria every day. Some are old Veteran regiments and others new recruits. A large number of new recruits for the cavalry corps came in day before yesterday and yesterday while at Brandy Station I saw two large trains heavily loaded with soldiers. A large number of soldiers and officers are going home every day. which it seems to me would not be allowed if the intention was to move during the present month. Capt. now Major Walker returned to camp on Wednesday last having been gone nearly or quite thirty days. I have not seen him to speak with him since his return. I saw Major Genl. Sheridan yester day. He is now in command of the cavalry corps. having releived Genl Pleasanton who has been assigned to duty in the west or south west. I beleive that Genl. Sheridan [Civilian?] is the same general that Leu Lee and Will Kelley have been orderlies for so long.. He is a young man. I should think about the same age as Genl Custer and looks like a determined hard working and thorough going officer.. It was intended to have a general review and inspec tion to day but the order was countermanded on account of the rain. Yesterday and day before were quite pleas ant day and the ground would have been in very good condition had it not rained last night. We received a large quantity of clothing and other stores yesterday and have been very busy today issueing them. We are getting a very poor quality of clothing of all kinds now. Mere shoddy. all of it. The only exceptions are in drawers and rubber ponchos. the latter being the best we have had this winter. It is a shame for the government to accept such clothing as they have been sending out for some time past Nearly every one, in fact every one. is well pleased with Gen. Grants appointment and with his taking up his Hd Quarters with this army. and nearly every one has some thing to tell about what he says he is going to do this coming summer. I say he will do all that he can and when he has done it if it is necessary I will tell you what he has done. I am not sufficiently in his confidence to say what he will do before hand. I am glad to hear that the men of the 6th are so well liked at home. It proves that they are true sol diers. A man who is fool enough to get drunk while in at home can not be depended upon ^ the field. Our best soldiers are the sober men. men who can be de pended on at all times and in all places. A man who shows no respect for himself and others never makes a good soldier. He may fight when he comes to a tight spot but he will not submit to that disci pline by which is shown the good soldier. Give my best wishes to John Cowles and tell him that I should be glad to hear from him again and if he will write again I will gladly answer it. It has been a year since I have had a letter from him not I do ^ know who was to blame for the first neglect. I was much surprised to hear that Father walked from South Bend home. It is more than I would really like to undertake. young and strong as I am. I have got so accustomed to riding that I should be completely lost without a horse and saddle I hope to see or hear from Cousin Charlie soon Eliza wrote me that he had enlisted in the 2nd Penn. Cav. That regt a year ago was in our division but left it during the Maryland campaign. and is now I think in the 2nd or Gregg's Div. near Warrenton. I can remember seeing [illegible in original] Mrs Wilson of whom you spoke but do not remember Mr & Mrs Plant. although I have heard them spoken of. When I first heard that you had started for Pennsylvania I almost feared you might come on here And although I would like very much to see you I am glad you did not undertake it. You could not have endured it as we had some very rough weather about that time and our quarters and fare would have been very hard for you. al though we think we are happy in them. And so Demott is going to build a new house this summer is he? It's a pity I cant be there to help raise it but I suppose I cant. I wonder if he will succeed in doing as he said he would two years ago. [beat?] all the houses in the neighborhood. I'm afraid that if I ever get home I shall feel like a cat in the wrong garret with all the changes around there that have been made since I left there. If they keep on for the next two years in the same ratio that they have in the past eighteen months there will be nothing left that I used to know.. Nell I received your letter and Photograph several days ago. and once commenced an answer but was compelled to stop before I finished it and have had no chance to take it up again until this morning and then I threw it in the fire. and concluded to answer all three in one. The Picture you sent me was an excellent one and I must say that you look better than I ever knew you to.. Stay at home this war will soon be over and you will be all the better for Keeping out of it. and when I get home I'll try to make my stories so big that they will do for two and give you half of them. So far as the honor and fame is concerned I'll give you all that I win. I received a letter from Aunt Jeannette and Willie last night. Aunt Jeannettes health is rather poor now. but yet she writes just as long and interesting letters as ever. Those two and Cousin Helen are about the only corres pondents that answer all my letters. I have not heard from Aunt Mary yet. and have finally made up my mind that I shall not again. I am well as are all the boys here. Neil Sparks has been very homesick for a few days but is now well again. I expressed fifty dollars to you last Monday which I hope will reach you safe. Write as soon as received and let me Know and if you do not get it. before the last of the month send the rec't to me. My Love to All. E R Havens