Spring Valley Filmore Co Minn April 26th 64 Dear Brother & Sister I received your long looked for letter of March 13th with great pleasure I assure you It was [illegible in original] true that Edwin always speaks of you in his letters but still I want a letter from yourself once in a while Im so glad that Charles was able to go and visit Nelson We heard by Edwin that they hardly expected him to live until spring and I was expecting hard news but perhaps he will last some time [illegible in original] more trouble multiplies upon him. Penn papers takeng in this town by their old neighbors contain the announcement of the death of his son Charles in camp at Pittsburg a short time since. No particulars as to his sickness are given only the name and the names of some others who went from that vicinity but had died since the first of March. It must be him and it will be very hard news to the family. His acquaintance tell us that he was a very smart intelligent young man indeed Edwin in his last letter received last evening had heard of his enlistment [and?] was rejoicing hoping to meet him as that division was not very far off. He too will feel disappointed. O me this cruel war when will it end How many of the good and true have been sacrificed already to the demon spirit of war and how many more must yield up their precious lives before its demands are satisfied God alone knows and To think tht this work of human butchery that has been going on for 3 long years has been inaugurated for the wicked purpose of riviting closer and closer the chains of the poor. blacks and it seems as if they will never give up while there is a man left to fight You say that you are glad that I write to Edwin I can tell you that I am doubly repaid in every letter I get in return Not many such letters as his are written home by young men of his age There are but few so thoughtul and observant as Edwin I often neglect to answer letters nowadays put but I dare not ^ off one to him any longer than is really necessary It seems wicked to make him wait he appears so pleased to hear from me I have had ten letters since since he has been in Virginia and I preserve them like so much gold dust read them over and over They will be always new and I shall write to him as long as I am able if he lives But it is becoming quite a task for me I cant say Im even comfortable much of the time my old complaint is hard on me yet and has been all winter besides my stomach is distressed with wind It seems to set in after every bit of coughing and nothing will releive it that I can get It has troubled me more than a year I think it a kind of Dyspepsia It worries me all the time I have had to stop writing twice since I began this letter on account of it. This is a very pretty town small but pleasant All the sects have a representation there is some bigotry and much of that spirit of Stand by thyself feeling amongst them yet on the whole they are very good neighbors far better than their creeds imply The universalists had a service at ten oclock last sabbath The methodist & Congregationalists manifested a wish to to shut us out of the house but finaly thought better of it and behaved quite decent O dear I didnt sleep much last night and am getting sleepy over this letter Charles s wife is here today and Ive been telling her that I wished she could finish this for me but she thinks she could not think what to say for me she aint used to such a medly of words I have had a letter from Albert Havens lately He writes that they are all well as usual Edwin sent his photograph in the last letter but one It dont look much like the little pale faced boy that I saw in Michigan. Do you live near an artist I should be so glad to get yourss both of you Ive got [Harts?] and Betsys Photograph. That is all of our folks Ive got and Im away from all of you so far that I have little hopes of ever seeing you again and a likeness would be such a comfort There is no artist near here but once in a while one comes along but I have, not had one taken Im so lean and poor that I dare not set for one It would frighten the natives Im sure but I do want yours bad and if they wont cost too much send them will you Im sorry Melinda is so grieviously afflicted It is hard living Did she ever try [Kennedys?] Charles wife great Discovery It has helped Alettas ^ brother greatly and others that I know I would try it But my sheet is full again and I must wind off in a hurry Write a little oftener wont you say once in six months if no more My love, to you all From your affectionate sister Jeannette H Duncan [line illegible in original] The postmaster is a perfect blackhead) [Written on the left side of Scan 2] Where is [Love?] now and how is she and her late husband [illegible in original] Melinda once discribed