.BUR~G HOUSE-THE FEDERAL TROOPS, BY COl\Il\IAND OF GENERAL McCLELLAN, ABA DONTNG DEPOT ON 'fHE PAl\IUNKEY RIYER-DEPAHTUH.E OF 'fHE U:;-lION FLOTILLA FOR THE JAl\IE~ Hl YEH. ,JU "E 2LiTH, l~li:!. llHE.d~l 'W l ' l' Till: C0,1\llSS\Hl \ 'f The l'l'1'1 1i11•d Pl'e>p $Pnse of in8ecurit1: and. l'Oll~''']tll'lltl.1-, 11 lll'll th11 ) 1111 \\'i·i\nH•hv, .Junf' 25th, to prepare for the hasty removal o[_ all the go~e1:nmrnt ~tores, tl~~y set to work with great _nctivit~·· and by Thursday tho greatl'r port1lln of tlH' hl"n1.1 s111n•s 11pre emb:1rk1•d 1111 b1:1r1l tlw 1111ml'1'1111s tru11 ••r lrin°i! iu the river. Unfnrtunntoly, through some acculont tho \\ h1te llouse tonk 1110. n.1111 the house of \V ash1nglon s w ife was soon de tro 1'1'1 I. IXTI:E.:o" llILES ABOVE CDCD~.!TI, O~ THE B.~R:- OF THE )il..DII RITER, GEXElUL DIRECTLY THP.Ot"GH THE C..DIP cmoc:::-.-u~.-FRO~ ... (OX COlDL\."DIXG-THE CLE\"EL\XD. l'UTL -~ TI 'KETCH BY O"CR "PEC IA.L ARTI~"I'. ·n >Ll' llll' ILH HJ) c:imp of in~ ruction anu drill. wa.s d pa;-- d d1rec;ly thron•.:h he !::round::. 1n d hi• road wa~ '...'.Darded for mile• by ,eutrie• in ordt>r ·o watch brid!: ·ituated about six een mile,. above Ciuciuuati. on a fiehl of -eventy-the acre•, on th bank of . t ,·ere oon 011 t I' i11t otlict:r, mp, tnl'hnli 1z the :oplenriid Ke 1•11ckv Uezimen ot f•'"d"111l t roops on t.lw \ 11 g11111L Hhnre, n11 th o oppoai.t.o br111k'. rcnc ln·<~ l<:gimer1t, lr.rliana \'oluntcer Zouases, stati0necl at ' pital fJf J/arnp liir<• ( 'r1• ~JC,c.d of H<,rr.ll '~ ab11ut 1·1~ht <>'cl111·k ,\, ) !., awl w'.1" nnt surprieerl to find that lhe cnC'my lrncl got tl1c alarm, there having bern time enough for honemc11 to p-in• wnrnin j!. !nar i1 ng thr• ronrl, · t a rl1 tru 1<;t Zouan11 rnt..:rtd Hornr."V n It. f-pa t ''1glrt r,'clc1ck A. M., rn time to partake of the breakfast which had been prepare < nn f 111 rntr 11 I llA' l"l' l, I•! J •:ltA' l ' I •: All~lY ()I<' l•'Oll1 °: 1tA 1, l•'OI Hl l•:H, llN 1>1•1 1t '1'111•] HOlJ' l' llWl•:H'I', ~r.,ooo H' l' ltONJl llll llllcl or Uo lo 111 •l Oarr nt. ( JrnHH tho 1l1n· ii l' l"111011 or tJ.11 ('Jl(llllY WllH Mt 1•rl11111N, 11.11 h fi i.: li1. <'tlllliuu 11d 111111 11ly 111 ! 1i .. ~t1 po111IA d111·111g l'l'• ' l'lii11 .1111 till• Hlli Ill \' l'lgltl Hlltl l1t•111ro i11 g rc •1il. 1•0111'miin11, 11111 rnllil'l' ~nrl'I) . lhruugl. GEXERAL EDWAilD FERRERO. General Ferrero was born in Granada, pain, January 18th, 1831. His parents were Italian. and he was brou,ht to the United States when an mfa11t. At the beginning of the war he was lieutenant colonel of the In 1861 he raised the Fifty-first Ele•enth New York ~Iilitia Regiment. .'ew ~o~k Regin~e.nt, called the " heparcl Rifles,'' '.1-nd led a brigade in Burn ides expedition to Roanoke Island, where lns regiment took the first fortified redoubt captured in the war. He was in the battles of outh ~fountain and Antietam, and for his brarnry in the latter engage(cid:173) ment w_as appointed brigadier general, eptembcr 19th, 1862. He served w·t 11 distinction at Fre?ericksburg, Vicksburg and the siege of Petersburg. Ile was brevetted 8 maJor general, December 2d, 1864, and mustered out in 1 65. ---=----.::: ==-"" -=~~~-~~~ THE l\IIL ITARY AUTHORI'I'IES This scene was of capital city. The prov t os n1arshal is EXAMINING PASSES IN 1861. in order to h h though he has some iaie:t dis fianc ee . the wonders of the oubts of its genuineness. TA.KL"G AWAY THE COLORS OF THE SBVEN'rY-NINTH NEW YORK REGIMENT FOR INSUBOHDINA'l'ION AND l\IU'l'INY, WASHINGTON, D. C., AUGUST 14'ru, 1861. SCENE IN CAMP LIFE-COl\fPAJ\1Y MESS OF THE THIRTEENTH ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS IN THEIR CAMP BEFORE CORINTH, l\IISS. '!'fIE Ol•'FICBH'S QUAH'l'.E ltH OF 'J'JU: FlHS'l' ~lINNBSOTA HEas \'ater ~ 111 Colonel A. f)ully, l1tt.le in lo . inn!.{ up ns guus t iey .were unlimbercfl on eilh1:r siue 'l ? . t,:e road . arul opcnr11 on the 0011 fcdcrnt tro1Jp3 were nuieilv l '111 advance, and reconr.oltrl~" } t 1at the rJi.1ta11ec W!l~ t< they • e lll!: tt a 1 I . e11carnpe1 to a bill on thi• tldo ·.:.:,• i)"'J"'"':· ""!' ,a w M• .,. "l" "" '''"' "'° ""'' I.on! ""l:l~nf'.'i'' II°' " ':' gnu • V<>lonol Alhe>t, ohinl u! stuff. t nr - l - lt .1,. JO e1 ; ankerl the Co ufc.clnatc: r:antJi, :11111 aL 011<;() forcr·c1 ti . f 11 re,...ular cmmu11<·1., tilnrw which the 1·1w111 v ha! out of ra1" . l i le, and 111 tl1c ucr:thborm~ wonds it f fJllJll lialtoric . ' 'I \ p 111·1•11 ll'll:lllllOflh llivcr i1t tbt• l'Tlt 8cl11· r111;~rt~., " I WaS .Ef1~1l H~m tr, wit 1uraw to a 111orc :i •curc po3itio a 1'1 lu lH3j o•11l the bnrl,ge, 11n1l .v. 11,1 ' ti "'1 , 1 t IC 'r. ,. f . i,,.,c, ILlll WI , c lcl } · 1 · 1 1 0 ' II. l 'I · ;!U;) 0 ' FEDElU'rE CAYAOTIY, ,l}'TElt TREm cUOCEfllFUL lUID INTO PENN YLVANIA, ESCAPING WI'rR THEIR STOLEN HORSES INTO VIRGTh'll BY THE LOm:R FORD ' OF THE rOTO>ll ' . 'T AliT'S S NDA..Y, OCTOBER 12m, 1 62. .m nNCF, OJ" THE FBDlO:BAf1 'l'HOOJ'R, Nl~AH JIOWAHD'H JIHlf)(il•: AND l\1111!1, l•'OllH 11111,1·~:-l J"HO.l\1 IJJll 1Jl<:'l'Jll•: L, 0 1 ' 111 •~ HO ,\P '!'() \' ll\ l l\ IAN ll <>I•' . I \ IHll l H ll~ 1•1'1'< 1111 1: 11 I l\ <\I H \I'll , I '1'111" l11·1L11tiful lifll1· lfl\Vll itt Milt111 l1•d 1111 11111 !,1111l1H rd 1.110 Mo11r11114a l10la, a11cl '"'' li1111dr1·1l 11111 Wllll a r111d ~··Vf'1ity.11i11" mil•·M fpi111 ,,,, 1l11111 1,f l'!•ll~t, a11il 11 i I h it U1•11 .. 1:1 I P11l 11 1111" l,riinvJ1,s n11d two JJodi<'a of cavalry. al o w1·11t. iu wiLh valor, and finally I.he Uonfedero.tes rollecl back hke a retreating wave. This was tho close of tho day's fight. Toward t le ollll L110 1"elll li:ll•k. 'J'hc1r shells burst 111 front of the fa1mho11se which General Morell had made his headquarters. t h1 I J he J•cdet'al batteries, aflet· somC' ldllo rlcla). rq1lic dug bout , u t • II d f I I ll 'I. 1 ' • TI.\TTETIED APPEARAN E OF A 9-INCH l>.\.HLGHE GUN I THE PhlNUC'J' OVElt 'l' ll E J'A' l';\J 'HC'O HJ\'J-:H, ON EAU 'l'Hl~ ltEl,A y 11 ou::m, I lH11. :111.J clhic) l: uhm11l .nml Butler ruaclo it his licaclqimrLc·i·1-1, aud h,V HO doin.g uoL 01.ily helcl !ho c·c~11.trol of tho r:1!lrna•! lo ll 1qwr's l•'t•ny aud. 1ht1 H.111ti11111n1 !'alap.co H1v.,1·, bnt thn•atoneil tho C'ily of H:dl1111oro with a strong lllii1L11ry fun·c . . l hl' t, .. la~ lln11 ,o wn~ ro111a111h·ally s1t11nll'1I 111 n co1111lr) ,,f • qui II 11aturnl l.lou.uty. 011r BkeLeh !!howl! tho 1.Ju.t,iory stu.tiono.cwto, !roq1iois, Pinolrt, Jta 8ca, Hrinona, J(cnneuec . On Friday, April 2!3Lli , aL t.weul.y~t.wo lll llltlLos pas t one, U11 1< renownecl city of • ew Orleans m battle array. A flag of trn ce was 1mmed1ato ly dispalched by F lag Officer Farrngnt., <1oman c1ing an im med iate ancl un concht10nal Bttrrond1•r. 1 ~concl D1v11llon l•'Ja~ OfTie!'r. l•arrnc:ut. c-r11111111111d111 11 111l.'111f1r•1•11t JI,., i, lin 11 1 rlit, 11p tlte r.'a,r.; 1tf/U , .l1·~1di11,::. J i1 Jlar~(ori, t. IJt•r •n t.111 BECONNOISSANCE OF THE CONFEDERA'rE POSITION AT STltASBURO, VA .. BY A DE'rACEMEN'l' OF OAVALHY UNDlm OKNRRAJ, DAYAltJ>, P.REVJOUS ']'() f'l'H OUUUPA'l'ION BY (1[i;NE!l ,\l, J•'Jtl!1MONT. lU~B U ILlJINO OP TIIE HA if_,HOAD l'J' fI GE , ' J ~ () V J~ft 'J'll I•~ JtAl'f'AHANNOCK llJ•:' J' ltJ•:A'I ' l>' Jt()l\J l•'AJ ,i\IO U'l' ll , ,\l ' llll , 111111, 11-ili' , 0!1 A priJ 17th, l 8G;t, (; 1m£Jru\ .0\foDowPl l 'J he city cap1tulatcrl the uext dav. . , ' awl £Jxcelle11ce o{ the work cau ii•·il thui ~ () ' e aaton1a 1rnc11 t · 1 l11id g11 wl1i1d1 rn1 111 11•f'l 1•d l•'11l 111 n11lli with l1 rl'tlori 1•h: 11111 , , 1.11·1li 1• r11 . 1111• 11 r1•1t11il t t 111• h11rnl. ltridgP, 111HI tho 111 111 • 1 h Il l p11 t.l, l ll ).( I ii !l Hl.l'Jl<'l lll'll Ol' lll' \V 1l tl 1tl11111J. Hi 1111 ' THE DEPARTURE OF UOLO~EL ELLSWORTH'S ZOUAVES FROM NEW YORK, ESCORTED BY THE FIRE DEPAR.Tl\JENT- THE REGil\ill T Am ESCOHT PASSING THE COR .\'T'n ()P Hn )\l)\\ \\ AND CANAL STREE'r, APR.IL 29TH, 1861. Th e Fi re Zouaves, un der comm and of Colonel Ellsworth, mustering over eleven hundred. strong, emb~rked on bon.rrl the Baltic, on Monchv, April 29th. 1861, amid n most cnthnsiast.ic orn liLni Ii 11 g al I Urn i 11 <:ido 11 LH or l1ol'l'y moo11 I igh L, 1l 11l'l11g IL h iglt, col rl wi11dMtorn1. lJpwarrl or 11()() wi•rn Lnkr·11 pt'i tHl ll!'t'H · nioi·r· f hull 100 w1•rf' f Ii iH mnHL d iimH I l'lltlH iwl iou 1111 d r1•l ri>al. rlr111\ 111 ti; 1w111 Iv fc•,1rf11I I t 11 it " GENERAL GEORGE CROOK. General Crook, born near Dayton, 0., September 8th, 1828, died in Chi(cid:173) cago, Ill., March 21st, 1890, was graduated at the United States Military Acade,my in 1852, an~ was on duty ~vith the Fourth Infantry in California in 1852- 61. He had nsen to a captamcy, when, at th~ beginning of the Civil Wa.r, he returned to the East and became colonel of the Thirty-sixth Olno Infantry. He afterward served m the Western Virginia campaign in command of the 'rhird Provisional Brigade, from May 1st to AuO'ust 15th 1862, and was wounded in the action at Lewisburg. He served in Ten~ nessee in 1863, and on July 1st he was transferred to the command of the Second Cavalry Division. After various actions, ending in the battle of Chickamauga, he pursued Wheeler's Confederate cavalry and defeated it. He entered upon the command of the Kanawha District, in Western Vir(cid:173) ginia, in February, 1864; made constant raids and was in numerous actions. He took part in Sheridan's Shenandoah campaign, and received the brevet of brigad_ier general and major general in the United States Army, March 13th, 1865. General Crook had command of the cavalry of. the Army of the Potomac from March 26th to April 9th, during which time he was engaged at Dinwiddie Courthouse, Sailor's Creek and Farm(cid:173) ville, till the surrender at Appomattox, GENERAL BENJAMIN F. BUTLER. General Butler was born in Deerfield, N. II., NoYember 6th, 1818 . .At the t~me of P~esid~nt Lincoln's call for troops in Apnl, 1861, he held the commi - s10n of bngadier general of militia. On the 17th of that month he marched to Annapolis with t~e J?ighth Massach.use~ts Re~iment, a~1rl was plnc.cd in com~and of the D1stnct of Annapolis, rn winch the city o( Baltunorc was mcluded. On .May 13th, 18Gl, ho entered B:i.ltimore at the J1cad of 900 :r:ien, occupied the city without opposition, and on May lGth wns nrndo a maJOr general and assigned to the command of Fortre 's )Ionroo nnd the In August he captured Forts Ifattcr11s Department of Eastern Virginia. and Clark. He then. returned to Massachusetts to recruit an expedition for tl?~ Gulf of Mex~co and the Mississippi. Ou March 23d, 1 6::>., tho exped1t10n reached Slup Islan~, and on April 17th went up the :Mississippi. The fleet under Farragut havm~ passed tho fort , April .24th, and virtually captured New Orleans, General Butler took pose siou of tho city on May 1st. Near the close of 1863 he was placed in c~mmaud of tho Army of ~he James. ~u December, 1864, he coutlncled nn mefTcctnal expedition agamst Fort Fisher, n:nd ~oon aft~rward was removed from commi•ntl by General Grant. He died m Washmgton, D. C., Jnnunry 11th, 1893. GENERAJ, IUOfTAHD J. OOJ~gHHY. '] (' • 1•1wrn. g <'l:i J)' 0 I 1 'crro 0: th I . born in OJJharu County, Ky., .Jnly 25th, 1824, served ircscnt at the siege of Vora Cruz nnd tho bat. .(!'V of tltf' Eighth Illinois Volunteers. • in tho (Mcx1c01 1v ar; /·a~ ~CO Ii was C'lf'ctcd to tho Slnte Souuto, but ro(cid:173) t!" or Ile COlll(cid:173) et ~ol eo11,\r;t11rc of Fort Jlonry and Fort Don Ison, ancl Argn~cl·d ato abec.cpd umn (' f try 1Jng1t1lwr g onrrn o vo L • .r 1 , ~· 111c1 "' Bl . IHLB,,PrOrrl~)t~acr r~ j;'/ij r~pt1tatio11 nL Oo.rinLh, where ho W!\A severely In tho mount1mo bo l 186-..cl nornl of volu ulron1, auer the: • :-e-::--cas used. Tba~ mgb,; the enrm: 0!! em-e .. oped iI? Sames. CAMP 0 'fllh _·c."rH r . .AS.';A(.JJC.nL • ., T'J'H f • J~U.i-IJH J·.~'1' JN TJrn j(} WOODS O~E MILE FRQ)f TIIE CONFEDERATE l' (';! -J'HOM A fiKE'fGH JW OUR ST'ECIAL ARTIST, E. 8. H.\ • " ' ' FORTIFICATIO~. ', LI ,. \'Ol:K- On t.h11 !.Ith r> April, J "'':-),' , '[rJW. ·, VA., Al'Hf , m, 1 tl L ite fortificnlio11s co111111t\111lo1l tin "" 171) a11tl uHicl<: several th P' ~ c; J: 'r• ncl a third killc1l 0110 a11cl wounclctl twl) here t1atl 't'jp.1~. ··killing a Pcdr•ral Jt1111rH;r; a BCCIJ ' . , P-rl the ccmtrc of the Confr\A\tE or J Ull.l:,\1, Tl:<)(Jl7-j ()\ ('()Hl\TH o~r I •'nt Oil C31 "'" foil l•I {a ""' tl .. , ;!rllllll, fad •:f • J k (' k Bottum '" r rt "' th .. f<>.vl " t b. w DJ In. 'I< r.i.!e I u gu yJuc ur l«i Iii thr ";: • 'lJJJ; LAll.'.\JIAJ, ()J' )ll IJ H<'EN I': AT J,[{ 'J\ t'Hl<;EJ{ HU'l"J'Ubl, llJ<:'L'WJ•:1•:N J'J 'l"l'HHU IUI J a\ N iil l\(I :' 1'i ll ~1 01\'l'MHI•:\ , l"Ulllt 111 .J•:K J'HOM l'llH ll\'l' ll, ;\!.\\' '' "'· l~ll~ ll l•',>,i ' ll\I, l\\. HIJll' 'l"~ l\l\ l~llll\ l'llH\'l:'.\11 'l'lU:.U: \\ .\\ TllJ:LllUll THI: '1\JD. F.le ! "' h \IN~''" '""' • ,rl• r1011• Ml• '• "' •::'I 1•.rf ft-11cy 1J111r•.11glily. " I•·•, h"l'"'" I) lwtM>'el.' I Ill '""!; 1..""''."f.: 111111 M<1JJ·("""l" 11 1 111111 . . lo llllj "" 11 .. , ll'Jl•l<-r ~ ; llllfC'•I, ancl Wlllllllf( for '~"Y W••11llwr '". 1 ·1: Our "I""""' urli~t •. \Ir. Lovio, <'llrnflll!y 11111110 I ho Hhl' l• •l1 "" 11111 ."':: .. ' Ill J luo !1111. "" J,oth •1d"8 uro "'"Y"Y !fl'Olllld, 111111 I ho ('l'lll•k l'is1·H rnp1dl,v 11ri ... l ; 1. 1'111.11, . • il11i.- 1111[. A 11101111u1l'• rnf11•ollo11 will 111111hl11 )'"" !" 11"1 1:, .. :,1111 1 td1•11 11f Ill' ()UH Hi ' l ,l' I II , AH'l' IH'I', FJIOM A HKJ.:'l'l 'IL 11111 . J J1s'o J1utl ron•1tlorrililo oxprrMll!f'll of >111111, b11t, i11 nil lily rl1l1•s, or, r11lhur, wnl11111111µ•. I 1\ . 11 ' ':•,II I; .. 11 .. 111 .1 1," ">i•l1l"111 "'J>111'i111w1•1 l •11u lt iliil\1u1lty Ill g11ll111g ll11 ~11111ilu1, ,\lat) f>llt, 111 1 111l1>111pl tl111 n1101·111011• 111•1, 1111(01'1! ""· ll [ 1 ,0\'11~. l.11·k ( .,., ... ,, 11 .. 110111, \\ ht111 liNN li l . ln lus lt•llt'r )w ·u1I: !11•1\lll'lll l Ill' Hl ~ l:•l1• ·, \I 11111! 1111 H1c;h llw l'l\lll\ll\l. l\lHl \\U~'\"\. Hll )~ll ,, lnl hU\t\ h•l-lh•tl t\u.\ l\~lht.'l'-\1\\t l\llll ndlrnrin~ qu.dllle.s o{ tln:ot l. i·n but th1• rnn.I w11~ t1>t> doup. 11ml thu t-c3ult '"" thut Ill a fo~v '""' .l1•1•JI J1Jl1l fll'h, 111111 !''! ~ t. ·~;l\' ~J>llf •o \ l'lll'llll'lllly int\> his poor •Ilk•. tllllt ho mm.I~ thu.u l11 i~i1>n .. r llnlh•••l, s 1:11ll\ll u1111) ''. . I< nihoinuing t.._1111 l'ilt•bnr~ La111liu~ lo )l1>ntl'f<'~ · llllll " l' 1 , . :'10 -''I? : . lwiw llli•ll!:• :1110l l 1111l.1 """'""'1lt'll b ' ) 1 I llllllS • ' l\lORTAR PRACTICE-13-INOH SHELL MORTAR, AS USED BY THE FEDERAI, GOVERNMENT-WEIGHT Of MORTAR 17,000 POU D8. --=_-~-==-:-: JIJ()]t'l'AH l'HAO'I'lOE - HEAlt vrnw OF - ----~ rn INCH M:OH'tAH, wrrrr I'l'i::l U8UAL 218 . . iuort ·u i om· of ! ho 'l'lt1• • . lt hr~' ntl1 111pl w1L~ m·111c l•'rPnc·h uwch1wic ovrrcamo tho l'llClICo, w<>1ghL 17,000 poumhi, excl11R1vo of tho Cttl'l'ingo ow111g to tltmr ch11118y mnlrn thn n. 'Ci 1 rnol:lL n11oio11t formH of c1m11011, boing used as onrly nR 14 "" 1 Cl I t fill cl with 1>>1 lo·· b t .,;; >y iii" lar"<' 'L fnr nil ~f who111 to tn'oJ<'d 10 ow B 10 · ·at. I 10 s1o•lncetl lrn 'l''r~· npp r nt, more e pL'Cl!llly nmong ome of the zomLve rrgimcnt • tlH'rc 1 much excitement thn cetH' diich t uppr ch 11 th c of i' lwnv rollickit1g rni 1. , \ !II •II · 11 th '..!19 IX THE SHENAXDOAH \ALLEY-MOUNT JACKSON, THE HEADQUARTERS OF GENERAL FREl\IONT I~ HIS ADYA..L"CE TO HARRISONBURG. -~-~-~:_ft~_-_;_=~-_ -· --=-::~- - - _-=---~ - EXPEDITIO:\ TO POH.T ROYAL.-GOVEBX:iIENT BUILDINGfl EHECTED ON TIILTOr READ, s. c., BY '!'HE FEDERAL FORCES rxnEl1 (lE. ' Jm,\l, HllEmfA. -. ltHll - 2. }'Rmr A HKET('B .13Y OUH SPEUIAL AHTIS'r l\'JTII GENERAL SRERl\IAN'S 001\filIAI\'D. Our illustration of the Govcrnmeut buildings erected 011 Ililto11 Hcal'llff\" Tl) rn1rr Hl l\ \L. (1()YFHY\IL' L' Hrrt.PI :\ n::; Fl\Fl'Tl-:.t) ()::\ llll L'<)\ HF \ l). ::- l'. H\ ll'H tH' \ FB \l l'll 1· Sl! Flnl \ ' l'FPl'l\ \ , J' ll\\'I' -, rmrn \ ~KF l'l'll HY Ol H 'Prn \l ,\ltTIBl' " I. l\l \l \ \) E hth \luit fl rc"it11e11L: butcher'· yard : qu rt rs nd Pro\·o·t • lur hul" unnnl: (.ener:d \Tiell•'< headqunrtl'I'·,: t;t•m•rnl Shorm trn '$ lw11dq1rnrtt•r,;: l'aptaiu l\itlloust>" \.\-<~i:>t u bu1ldi:i •: I 'um 111 • ·1xto11\ ntlice. 1mtl nthl·r (;o.,.erumont utlict•,;, fornll1rh· (1en1w•ll ·1 Drnytun um! \\'rnd1t" ht•mlqtrnrtl't", nornr11111e11t huihlill!!" ('l't'.Cll1d Oil Hilton ll t'ad, :-;, l' .. t•mbrnt'l' till' folhll1ing- point. 11( ll1tl1rt•:\l'I".$ \ lnll'lt'I"'· butt lll ,if tli, l·\•rh·'•''"' 11 l1t't\llq1rnrt ,; .. : 1, l l t1111p of tlw l\1rt1··t-khth \ 1;•11 y,,r · '•1i!i111t•nt: l 'amp of tht• Thi:·d \ t•W II11mp,;hin• n•g1111t•11t : l"1111p -~ 1ljnt;111t·gt'l\\'!'~1! \1EW OF -'EW l:SElCE, ~. c., FRO::U THE l~TERlOR OF FORT TBOilIP::>ON AFTER IT8 C.AJ?TURE BY THE FEDERAL FORCES-RURXIXG OF ROSrn \\'ORK.', n .. UL'\\'.\Y imrncm A.'!) AXD SBOWTIG VESSELS Sill\K ~ THM CHANNEL OF THE NKGSE RIVER, TO PREVE lT THE APPROACH OF .FEDERAL GUXBO.\.TS. ... \Y \IA :--'1\ll:r ... ·, reparate hare of the exped1t1on to ~ew Berne: "At 6: 30 A. )1. on Friday, April 14th, 1862, the fleet steadily moved up a.nd graNv rr , r.1 1: , ,JAM t•:H IHlu\N I>, H. f'H, (l()MMA NIH lll fl \ 1' V (.\111 1 1.1111 1'111\0ll ll (l illRllll l'I' r1w 1.11.. t.l'y j,]l(.j l' 11r.11c l. 11po11 1.11 11 ( l11 11r1•tl 111•11,l.11 r11 1'1. h11 r11 1·11 r1w.i 11· 1w11 l11 J1Ji ~ li l.l1 ~1 lo l11g1111 11.11d l.li11 Htt\ tll tl \· 11i11f : 1·111 11w! 11 ~· 1111 l.o I.hi• 11 11noHHn ry (,p ''Iii. 11p ' t. '1 11 11l1l p\111 · ir I ht 1'1'1'111111111 MJ1 111•1• . 111111 h• d!l•1111 ," . " '' York " ll iil1h11nl11J p1•11j111• t ur llll llHRl'l~if ' l'h11 h:illtll' ' (I t . .1 111 j.(1111 111 \l'H rrn111 1.1111! 1· j!,'111 111; Mll \11 11 11111111tl.111 l I.It o ptLl'll p1d. 1111d Mlll ll \\ \l\1'11 JH ll\lllt·d1•tl \I ll 1'"· I 111111 ii , n11d , .111dln'1' L11 f. lt 111 r lll tpporl., f,lt oy WOl'I\ ohl ig1 d t.o 1·1d.i1'11 11r 1.m· l11w 111 g 1'11111\y hold It. ro r 1111111'1.v l.w11 11 t.y 11 ti 1111 l.t•M, ---::::::=::=:--;.::::::=:.~- - ~----~- -=--.:-~ -=----~-= ~_;:~ -~=--~); ~----~~~ - . - -~ _-:.-:_+ ---- - - ~- ~~~ - - .. --:; ... , DESPERATE NATAL C01IBAT BET'WEE~ THE COXFEDERATE IROX-PLATED RA:'II "ARKANSAS" AND THE FEDERAL GUXBOAT "CAROXDELET,'' A.T THE :lIOUTH OF THE YAZOO RITER TUESDAY, JULY 15TH, 1862. -·ext to the erer-memorable combat between the Jfernmac and the Jfo111to1-, that of the Carondelet and the Arkansas was the most exciting. Like the former enaagement, it ended in a drawn battle. On .Tuly 14th, i. 2, '1'l.1ey nmv.d eo11~1e.rion~ repo t-. at the mouth of the Ya~oo, fifteen mi!es aborn Yick-burg. at sernn o'clock in the evening. and anchored ~or the_ night. Next morning at daylight they tipped anchor and :\lhance About two nnles up the n>er ~mokc was seen acro·s a li ttle point of lanlow. nd t11 natchCi! \Tere closed . so thnt it wa utterly 1mpo s1ble to go do1-rn and cont111ue the action. In ten mrnntes afterward the Carondelet and .1rka11sas were a.lonaside eacb other. and the conflict commetH'L'd rn earnest. lowly stea'!1ed up th.e l:azoo. the T_qle - t1) !11 rm tlrn t rhe ('ar01 d l th· Th""TEmon Q}' THB 0 TlJCTLDu·a AT'.Ll..CHED TO MARSHAL KA3E'S POLICE HEADQ'CARTERS. HOLLIDAY BAL'I'nIORE-DI CO"'\"'ERY L.TEXDED FOR THE SERYICE OF THE 'ECES~IOXL T '. BURNING OF THE GUl\'1'0\Y.nlm t 'l\REK RA1LROAD rrnmcm. ---- ~ ~- ~ --~~- - ---:- -· - -_ -:..::.;:- ;;.- - -~~d-· - -=-- -~ ===-= - ~ ;;.,,._ . -_ :: .;::: ~~~ ~ -- --=-- -- J:,\.'l"l'LE 01'' l:L\VAOEH S'L'\'l'IOi .- JHH011t thil"l1•cn ltt1111lrN1 llll'l\. in tho ho11p\11Ll, to t.li,1 1 tl'll\l111' \idr liu uf c11ln:n<:11111rmt~. This cxll'11<11•1\ fwm i~ !!ptLcu of 11l11tu ot1k swamp. noHr 1:1 •h 1no111l, tu !.ht• C'hi ·l.1dwmin; l'n•t•l,, nt. n uurnbt• of l1ntt,.ri1· i•ol\ ot >Ill" 1;1.M\ "'' l\\l\)Tf)[\(.>\111\ \t<11)1 «J\1\<\ l•, it. a ,j, .. .,.., 1>\lr lfl><•\• ••ilU'\\il. ~'""' "'"' lin•• 111\n l\111it'n, n111· 1>1111 .. ri1•1\ w1•ro ll\111111~1<11<1, t1111\ 1111 r ! !<'11 I B '"i Ii \i r~\l!'N', th1·~ l'l\l '!'(\ l\1c·h· 1111~ 11111id \1111(1 jllllH nr d n1011i1w1i1 Hfdi s fnetinn , ttwf11\ l1l1w.11 ot' !\"""' 11111! \\'lllt> <:0111·1m\1·A "~ l( l'•·1lt'l\ l>1'<1ht\l"P\"1!!1· tlw e11(l111y, who, t1th1nwi11g- c1wticn111ly, l'l1rn1h~·n•d 01or the 11it.elwH n11tl p11rnpl'!1. nn1\, t'1'11i11~ tlw111 t1bn111\111wd, ~i··wil••d ih,• 1110111 'l'ht'l1. i11 c\u1'1l lll'lll'l' 11nd lll li1111 11f bntllt'. th11)' 111111'1'"'"' .Iii\\!\ th,,\\ i\h:1111 t.i'1r. ll\i1h111' 1·rt111 'l'lw 1ll\ish111 of 11" 1 1111 !111111 P• .~. 0 ,j 1,pth>1 ,,r 1 1·1H11• from tlw (IW Hr1dg<'- l'l'")"o1ll1 1 l••l'k ti 1111.! ~,;,,,~·· H1•fn111 11111 I ••11t',•t1: ..... 11 ' '' Ill ''- th1• l'.,11fo.I1•r•1ldl, tllll' t 1'1h•I'"' r,.11 111-. h .. •;1rnp1· a11d :-;,•di.:11i" l•;I. 1,,. 1 ... l101h. wh 11 ,.111111, llP nt fit•lld, l'!I I '11i,1 11'~\.\ 'ii•,\.~" <•l "''\ifi ~~\.'\')' 'th\H \.\u•n\, i·.n\.\H\\\\!.: \\\-· \-',l"C1\\Hl\ \11111\\. 1\1•110111i111d<'ll \\H't tt\h\\\~" \Vl\,\\ \\'h; •11 , ••Ult! lht•\ h ,) ' 'II. Ir !ht ;.{,I •Iii , llJI >' \ I I ti •lH 11; 1 l ' ' :5HELLIXG OF TIIE :BATTERIES xr GALYESTOX BY THE UXITED STATES WAR STEAl\IER "SOUTH CAROLlliA," o~ :'.IOXDAY AFTERXOO:N", <\.UGUST t:nr, 18'.Jl REPULSE OF THE CONFEDERATES AT JAMES ISLAND, NEAR CHARLESTON, S. C., JUNE 10TH, 1862, IN THE ATTEl\IPT TO CAPTURE THE PICKETS OF GENERAL WRIGIIT'S DI\TIO.'. FROM A SKETCH BY AN OFFICER. (J11r Mrrespornlent ,vrote : "General Ber; ham · c~nceiverl. the design of. making ~ dash across f,ames Island and taking Fort J ohn~on by surprise. After dne del~beration General Hunter agreecl to his plan, :11Hl troops w • · Iwo ?amps were formed on the shoie of James Island, about two m1~es apart, one commanded by Oencral :-\teH~11><, nntl tho t'lhcr trnn~p,,rlf'.:rl fr0~r1 l'ort Titiyal ancl taken up f:)tono ,It1ver, wluch was occupied ~y om pinboa~s. hy '·•·r11·rnl Wright. t•f '!'ho firs.t collision. betwe~n the l~ostile forces took pl.ace on. the 4th. of June, in which tho Confodomic, capln rul about t Wl'nl\ of our tliia forr:t.i liel1\ pr1e11csairm 1:11l.,'ngernent did 11f>t fairly open until after six o'clock, and for an hour and a half was furious and nnceasing. } t 1~ .?~Ju at 7 !» ~L .. and found the ncLion l"l~ill ( f .· ati-~ 11 ]~~ / t 01 II is losses were heay , sunt and fiC,\'erc. ; 1s1on was 1tnmediately pnsheil fonr·ml .;1~ll g tn~nt~ 1~· hrigacl1·s ()( Grawfonl and Gorrlo11 bf'i11g directed to change their position from the right mid mass th~mselves in the cent/e· J31~'~ L~j. d 1 ra•1gc without i11tcrrui;;;;io11. The artillery fire, at night, by the Second and Fifth llfaine batteries in R1ckctts's division of G~ner°J 0lf llS c i,nnge could be efiected it was quite' dark ~I . cDowcll s ?orps was most destrnctirc HA "l\R ie·i iily n;ig 1 m••n :incl horses 1111d lirokc11 gun carriages of the eneniy's batteries which had been advanced agninst it. Our troops reslecl' 01 ,, ien· arms dunng the night in liHl' of l;rrttl<'. the ·1:ei\· 0 :~1-er1'1 • 111 ' 1 •rntil rn!:lnight. At daylight tho next morning tl1e enemy fell back two miles from our front, and still higher nn the mount-ii 1 ~ I' l ' mg < 11. I nnil'cd pers~JC 1j 8 ionf orce m lhe rrnr of his skirmisherti mill C'Pn 'l"lJ°~\'· )\ "tt' 1 t lllll' n f<"' 0 •11d tl111t poht, \ \ :rne~'d to tho nt tnr !ll. rnfnntry th \\I ' It nf (~,II• ml I .111 11 <' t Hl .1"1 tl.ll; nr1ttlll:I'.' firi• 11 1 t 1 • ' •t 1 ll r h•'l'I I found General Ban ks holding the position he took up early in the morning. l't1ti1111ul II p l lll h, 11 b it I 1l(\rni11 ~a >:•nki; wn th ccHl1ll't I P,E.U,AJRE. 0.-.,TEA mOAT. CQ_>\""EnSG THOOPS -~-D ~r .TITOSS OF WAR FOR THE FEDERAL FORCES ox THE GREAT K.\XAWRA.-FRO:'.\l A KETCH BY DIIL TIETT, \YHEELl~G. \'.\ . town it11ated on the Ohi..!i11g. Ya. 1•,.oad. ThE: place cnn~inttl a population of fifteen hundred or two tho11.;a11d i11hauita11ts in 1 Gl. hiu!! in me rirer awaiti11!! the quota: of t_roop. and munitions for the pro;ecution of the war on the f~reat Kanawha. At this date . 1 9G. two WPekh· 11ew;:p:iper~ are publi,.hcd ht'r. • of wi 11alo -(:In 11 bout en hon 1ld. and fiintware, na1!3, pig iron, galranized 8tatC' 1eneml Hunter. born in " ·nsh111gto11. D. l' ... lnh :.!Lt. lcO'.!. died .. hert>. February :.!ll, Ldi. was grn1huitl•d nt ;\ltlitnry AC'ndl·m~· in h''..!'..?: nppoi11kd erond lieull'11:111t in tlw Fifth Infantry: pn1- motl'd fir·t lieutenant. in 18W. nnd bl'C:HnC' n cnptnin in the First llrngoon~ lfo rC'>s l':naln·'. and thrl'e 1foys later was rom(cid:173) mi"ioned brigadier gP1wral of vohrnh'l'r~. · 111 com111nn1h~1l tht• mnin coin nm of l\feDowPll's army in the l\lnna,;:;as cnmpaign. nnd wns t'l'l'rt>ly wo1mdl'd nt Hull Hnn, ,Tnl.r :!1st. }, Gl. lh> wns mmll' :1 major g"l'!H'ral of 1ol11nlt>t'l'S in )li .. onri. nnd on Angu t 13th. 12Gl: ent>d nmh•r Ge1wrt1l Fn'mo11t .. : OYl'mbcr :.!d uccC'edrd him in the comm:rnd of t hl' \\\•,tern P1•1i:u·tmPnt. In )[nrch. l..:'G'.!. hrnernl Hnntrr was trnnsft'lTl'd to thr nep:11·tment of the ~onth. with hendquarte1" at Port l~oynl. :3. l'. In )!nr. 1,64. he WM pl:1c1•d lie defeatt•d a ronsid(cid:173) in commnntl of the Dt>partment of "est \"irgiuia. Ile was brrYrlted major l!t'lwrnl, erable force nt Pirdmont on ,lune :>th. Unilt'd ,'tatr' Anny. ~lnrch l~lth. 1, ti;>. nnd mustered out of the \Oluntee:(cid:173) service in JnllllnQ. 1 6G. Ge1ll'l'lll l'll':\'Ollton hMn in 'rnshington. n. t '.. ,l1111c ~th. l ?4 .... .!!rndnalt'd at tlw t rnitl'd St:1 l" :\lilitnrr .\cndem · in 1 'H; :tl'l't>. to \Ya" hingtou n 1,'til ; 11:' oom- h1~ 1:t:'g111w11t .m 1t · mnrch from l tah 1mssw1H• .\•cond l'nrnln· in l,' ''.! • M'l'\e1l tllfllll 'h the Yir· gmin l\•11i11s11ln rnmpaign: bt'rnme hrig:uli1•r gt 11'l'rnl of Yoiuu~rs in July o)f thnt year. 1\lHl eomrn:rnd~·d. the ~iii i.-1011 of. ea miry of the .Army of the l otomnc thnt followt'd L1'l' s lll\'11tlrng :urm rnto :\lnnlnnd. He \TM in· g:J)!ed. nt Hoont·~boronl!h. Sonth )fountain.' .\11tit'l:11n 'nnd the ·nb· qmol pnrsmt; engnged th,e t'llemy nt Fredericksburg. nnd ·taid the fnrthrriuh n of the PIH'my at l h:1ncl'llors,11le. lh rect'Irl•d the l.irevt>t of lit>a! nanl 11 lone! for,.~nt1Nan.1 .111 1 6'.!: wn - promot 1l nrnj1)r ~eneml of \Ohmit l i th ' 't ll' \\ n>< mad(I lll:IJOr geuenu, DI ll1 ,Tmw. 1,l;h3. part1c1patmg Ill the lllllll<'l'l'll" nctio1I hnttlt:' of l1t'tly~b11r« , lutes Army, for c;en1et" throughout the C'i\ ii War. that prt • '1 ·11"]1 1 '6" J ·' • .:> -·• ~· . . 111 t • ' UF\ I'll \l \ 1 1 \\Pl H ~ "l'l I :.!:10 'l'IIE CO.\FEDER.\.TE TI.\ID IXTO KE..'\TL'LKY-THE FIGHT AT THE LICKIXG BRIDGE. CTITHIA.XA. BET"EL- THE FEDERAL TROOPS AXD THE ::UORG_L~ CO:'.\"'FEDERATE GLERIULLlS. ynrhinnri. Thi'.\ seene Clf the fight bNween the Cincinnati Yolnnteer nml 1forgan·s ConfeJernte c:w3lry. i- the cnpital of Ilarrison Coun~:r. Ky. Wh.:-n ~for,_•11 with his. gn<'rrilhs nrriwd on the sourh side of the Licking Ri•er. on 'l'hnrsllay. Jnly I:rh. 120:?. he ionnfense the Confedemre- forced rheir way o..-er the bridge. killed a unml>er of tbe Federals aud captured one c. nu )1\. L:mdrum • nd , U..1nr forty of his troops m:Hle good their ref 'at to Le:xingrnn. wb:~h ,.as in a perfecr panic at be pro:simity of the Con(cid:173) f 1.:-r:H<> chiei. -- ~·~ ~;=e = :;::: ;=:- = ==::..:; .... -- --=~-~~~-~ -::--=-:::-- ;;::::::;;;: =----- ---~..:..=:.. __ _ --===~- ~ I I _ .... __ .. -- .:.-- -- - - -- REMOVING SUNKEN SCHOONERS FROM CORE SOUND, N. C., PLACED TO OBSTRUCT THE PASSAGE OF THE FEDERAL GUNBOATS, UNDER THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF CAPTAIN HAYDEN, OF THE NEW YORK SUBMARINE ENGINEERING COl\IP.ANY. 'fhe perverse ingenuity which the Confederates showed in obstructing the channels which led to their strongholds was only exceeded by the p er(cid:173) sistent ingenuity with which the Federal officers removed them. The Confederates obstructed the channel of Core Sou nd by sin ki ng schooners; but u nder the superinten dence of Captain Hayden, of the New York Submarine Engineering Company, they were removed by blasting. T he sh ock was per(cid:173) ceptibly felt a considerable distance, and it was some time before the water resumed its usual appearance. DESTHGCTION OF TH E CONFEDEH.A'l'B IlWNULA.D H l'l~.1..i\l.E l{ ,lf f!:HRINAO, lU ... O\\'N Ul' In: l'I'~ CO ,IL\l. \.~Dc;H, ON THE MORXIXG OF l\IAY ll'rH, 18G2.- FR01\I A SKE'l'CH 'fAKEN A'L' SEWELL'S POIN'l'. 'J'hc abandonment of Norfolk compelled tl~e e':acnation of the ConfeilC'rate positions at Se wcll's Point aml at Crnnv Islnml and on il[:w lltl 1: 'l' ho Fotleml officers wbo witnes 'etl the 1bni·ni tliri .If Prri11u11· was blown np to prevent her falling mto the hancls of the Peclernls. [ ll o 1<: 111lP,1·rnl., thr~ guns would c11sch:ngc themselves, solemnly _breakrng m n pon the stillness of the night. black rna ~ heaveu npwarrl, then came the report, ~o terri fi c as to shake honses nt a distance o! eigh t miles. :1111! tlio great monster, the ,ltrrri11111r, ceased to exist. is -1 ' 6 ~ - l l ]' 1 ow111'" up •or nearl y an honr before th e explosion tho roof was red hot nntl ·\t ~hort .Jn t nt the fir-t dawn of lhy] i,;ht th~ wh o! < 1 s, m,,. ,omH • I/ • r·rn111ru: < escn )ec . ie see n e as one of the rr1"t1Hlcst i ''' · : ~. ;;. flash an unetuti1l ' li i s' "' ~ · bl ~rngi_na o. ', 'l. cr ,.., hill 11 o ' " · ] ·1 I tl ~ ' 234 ' FEDERAL TROOPS MARCHING THI-tOUGH SECOND STREET, NEW :FERNANDINA, FLA. Our sketch of New Fernandina in J 862 shows the principal business street in the city, called Second Street. There seemed to be quite a joke in. numbering streets where there were not half a dozen in the place; but the spirit of imitation was strong, and as Philadelphia and Kew York_. with tlrnir thousands of blocks, are simplified and rendered more easily findable by the aid of arithmetic, so must be the >illages of the South. -· --------~~~¥~;;_ _ -:~=-~ :-~-~ ~'--'--"--'-'-'~ -- ----- - - -- _-......,:_· --(cid:173) - - - - -----:-::7- -- :..:.=~.:-~~-~ -=-=- --~ - ;-=-----. --:=-..:.-- ------- :REVIEW OF co.-FEDER\.'IE 'l'T:OOPS OX 'l'HEIH. :.'ILrncrr TO VIRGIXI.A, IN FRONT OF ·rrrE PULA. KI )ffJ'\U1I.CYl'. )fO~u:-im.··1• ,'Cl{ ,\1:I.:, SA YAX~AH. GA., AUGUST 7nr, 1 61. ~nit m mo'1 of thi~ ~nllant forci:::-ner in Chipiiewa , quare. ki _1onumnnt is ~itrntlNl It is a fine Doric obelisk of rnnrblc. ;,;~ feet in Jwigld. Tit" ha;;P of tho f f't 4 iuches by G fret 8 inclies, and it..; f'lcrntion. is ~bon t l~ !ef't. Th e corner stone wa · lai1l hy L:ifaJNle il uring hi~ vi iL to t lie iu J :~;,. The neecllo which surmou11ts thf' prcle~lal is. 31 ~eet lngh. Another m11~ Yery cl"gnnt 2tr11cl11rn hns al.-o lw1·11 ere ·tell ti, the l'nlaLki was killcu m the attack made by the :dliecl American nncl Fn•rwh nrruil'::: in 1 ~ iO, wlll.'I: in .Joh nson or ~fonumcnt • 'qnare. llr1ti h hel po-- ion of ,_ v11nnah. 23~ .f>BESIDE"XT L:c\COLN, ATTE::\DED DY GE:\ERAL l\IcCLELLAN AND l::i'£AFF, REVIEWING THE FEDERAL ARl\IY, ON TUESDAY, Jl.JLY n HARRI Or ' ~ c. . W c il111strate1~ the opening of this battle o11 page 150, and i1ow add 8TII, 18G2.-CE~THE AND FRON1' '- 'l'UE FEDERAL ARMY . . a sketch of the centre and front of tho F tl OF IN 'l'HE E raAUEl\lEr 'l'. FIWl\l A Hl\ l~'l'<'Tl 1n l . ana cry. n_o1, < 'K~l'l c< :\I Ir I"' : · •t:1'lll'l'tl ~-1::1 nrt~!l<'l'Y. dcl1vorod .1t~ riro with a pn•1·i i1111 I.m l\· t ••111 11r , 11hl(•. f11lln11 t''.1111sc~ . . •Ot1u111I ~l1•ll'oy ~ i11fa11tr,1 dt•plon·d lltnm •It tl11 iy o11r <'lll'l'l't<[H>lld<'tlf, 'b l I Ol H 0 orn army m the 01wagc 1 1 t 1 l 1 · · f \ l& p.11 o1 Lie enemy, anJ helJ their position until l'cc1~l~1,1~Ln c<. cutl1J1~ d11\\11 th<' g111111en1 w1t.h th1>l1· li111. Ila! i1 01>1h1. th1q• h1n11 :i > :·n- 1;(' 1,\[, \ l\'l'l~,··1•, ~~ = ~ . -::~ ~- - - -==- ' .. HEADQUARTERS OF GENERAL BUTTERFIELD, :NEAR HARRISO::\'S LA.l\"D:DIG, J.A.MES RIYER, \A. ~- ~~~~- UPON THE RAPPHANNOCK STATIO~ AT THE RIVER.- FEDERAL B.\TTER1E8 REPLYI~U TO TH1~ Ct n Pl'l~.\'l'L \\\'\'\l,!,\·l\\ • RuN, AUGUST :30m.-FHQ)I A SKETCH BY OUl SPECL\..T, .urrrnT. )[H. Fl \\I l'PH\\l .S err: t of tli!l hill, about thrr,r uartors of a mile distant. After the artillery fighting had lasted some time, our infantry attacked Lhe enemy's left fla.nk. Tho righting, howe,;or. 1rn" YP1;1 l'el't'l'l'. -r r1,Jlvl l!f> frrm1 ,thr~ rriatls. 1 1 1<-H.. l.trribly her<.<: rt tlus prirk1m1burg, Va., in 18Gl was a thriving post village on the 01 . n· no . 1ver, s1tt1ated at the month o tle f l L"LL1 K 1 e anawba River ancl n.Hogcthcr prosontccl a most p1ctmcsquo n.pp<'aranc<', ii ' h) l "8 h1'i1w H~ry 11 11\I h· bnitt U\ .• , tm . It containod a courlhonso. cl11irr1~t'H of s 1w11rnl 1~1,11n,my'.ntll' 11 • ,\.inn,· ' P ' htr l 1 1 • 1 . . • • , H wf;\1 plac<)d. ofllr,o nnTI RF.CEPTI0.· lW THE ISHA.BITA...'iTS, SEPTE1IBER 12TH, 1862. Jfo&t cenainly it was distance that lent enchantment to the view to the eyes of the Marylanders, so far as the Oonfedernte army was eoncerned, for it appearetl that, instead of 50.000 recruits so contimpany. of which he was L''l'l'tt' lw11atetl fol' rn-C'lt•dion a Roli ·itor, tt>gl'lher with the whole llekl't. ll(•cc mli •r :.JO th, 1852. he n11trried J\liHs Lncy W. \Yt•bb. d;111ghtL'r of llr. J1tmc · \Yebb. a physicinn of l11gh ln 1$3(). he 11·as 1wminnred for the ofliL't' of In 1858, ho wa· olticlt'it>r, 0., in August, 18.J:2. uirnrsily, entering tho law 'chool on A11g11st '2'2d, 18.J:3. and uni hing his there O., 1u11l nt Harrnrd ,Ja11u1try, 1815. On J\lay 10th, 1845, aftcr ex11111i11atio11, h • wns 1Ldmitt.ed to practice in tho courts of Ohio. a- an :ittorney nud ClH1n:;cllor-:1t.-la11'. 111 JI • won 1 hl• n•opecl. uf tho profesl:lion, and attracted th' aitt111 t inn of the pu lil ic ns attorney in Sl'H'ral cri Ill i11al ca 'C' which gained 'Omo cclebrit~· and inen•as!Hl hi8 prn ·two. cutlH', 0. co111111011 pl '!Is judge, but dl'Cli11cd. th· follo\\'ill!!' y '1tr ho was oll'Clt'tl to th11 1f :.!.,'\UO vote·. ,\Jthon gh he Jll'l'forn1l'd hi· d11tie' t,1 tlw g't'n(cid:173) cni.l suti f.11•tto11 of , \t n ,g-re1it m:rns nwt•t1ng. hnld in ('1111·i1111ati n(ter t.ho !Lrri\'td u( lhu llP\\'8 that. lhc flag of lho United Htt\lt'S lwd bt't'll firt•d upon ttt Fol't ~umter. he wa~ 11rnde chairmnn ot'a co111111ittL10 011 n•.;ulntioni; to gi'''' voice t.n the feeli11gs of tho l11yal people. t.o thti 111it.io11nl 11rn1y 11wn' than forty o!U1·t·r~. of 11ho111 St'Yt'r:tl became gl'Jlt'rnls. On ,lune :rh, l~til. the t1~i11, 1u11l thi• 1·.l11h wh~t>d \Ir. I l1ty1·K rt 111njnr uf thP 'l'wu11ty thil'll1lll'l. On ~•'JllL'lllbL•r 14.th. whil'h [ eom11111nicnt1t>ll lwllH'l.'ll Hicluuond :ind th,' ::-;,1ntll11l'~t. He' ttle>k: l!ut l'llg;tg!'111t•1il nt lll'IT\Villt>. 11n1l nt till• $('l'lllld liattlo or \\'in ·lw"tl'I'. ~l'JltL'lllbL·r l(lth. ISti·L \\ht•n• ht• pt•rf.>l'llle'd :I foat o( l'c\(l':ttll'dl(cid:173) ('J'l'dit11lil11 part i11 t'OltlllHIJ der. ll lrY lir.l\'l'l'" '!'ht' t'Ollllllis~it>l\ :ltTl\1•d: (;\'!Hirai ('rovk, 011 \la l'<·h 1:!1h. l'l(j,-,, ho n•t•l'i1t•d thL• rn11k o[ bn•1l'l. nt;tjnr ,g1•11t'r:tl ·· f1>r g·n\l:1nt nntl ,JistingniHht'llspil'llt>llS gallnnt_r~. :ts \\l'I\ :IS th~' lli~pl:iy 11f f: {'n1t!•d :-it Ill•~. hon' a \t'l')' hn11ornhl1; p1tl'l. llw l>l:grn11rn~ 11f 1.h1' \\ar. l•t'llt ral 11:1~,s .ittlllttt! l,' hi •ltt•r ordi•r than llH'l'l' i1t·r~o11nl dnnng-. .\ttg·u·t. L'l>I. he \\;ls Il'('lll'I' fl'Olll till' lli'lll~ )ti !ht• flt•Jtl flll' flll• J'lll'jllli1t_'rl'~R Ii nc1·1:1111:tl11111. rlt•l'llt l' 11<' \\:tH 1•lt•t•t1•d b.1 a m1.tJ•>1:1t~ nf ~. lllO • . I It,, lll_iw ~t>ltltt'I'"' lll the' ht•hl lltHlllllntt'r ti, ,. , 111 ,\t llll' b:itllt• of l\•dnr l'rt•!'k, Oetoht•r t!llii. ll'til. !ht• L' tho hat.tlt>fit•ld, (tlllk him \iv thl' h:111.J. ~an11g: "t'Pltllll'I. frntlt tLi· day, )Oil nil\ lit• :t hrigatlil'l' gt'llt'l':ll." its n t]Jtl rttnk pf lin•11•l m:1,1or g1·11t>rnl l11•(11n• llx dosl'. ll a:·111g l'nl,•n>tl tht• tt1:1n.1 1 aflt•J'\\.Hd; and 1>11 ,...,1;r in \\,,·1\1q.'11t1:1, 1t11d pnrtwnlarly 1Lt !11 .l11ly, t~fi;i, hn took part. in tlltl op1•rnt1011,; of th,• naliPnal ttl'lll)' in ~tHitlnn'Stt'l'll \ irg-inin. 111 ,\ftt•t' th<' war. l:ont'rnl !Lt_1<'>' l'l'tttr111•1l tn l'l\J\ lift< .anti t11vk h18 'L'ttL 111 l t>ngrt'"'· llt'\'l'lllht•r ~th. ls1;;., tlw s:tllll' lll:IJt>rit~ a, Ut'ftl'<'. Jn \ui:n,,, l"tl. ll~ 11 ~ hr :11111. nftl'r 1111:1<'1111•1·.1111:1,s \\:\s n•t•h'l'lt'd h.1 l'r<' 'ldl•nt vf thL1 lfuttl11l 1:->t:tll'><, \\11rt'l1 ;1th. l";,, .11taJ1>1· .or Y1>lu11lPNs Ht \\ 11110 Ut'lll'l';tl llnyL'S \\:ts lll th, ll,,Jd. 111 i11 th the1 bat tit•,; ol: rn11ch attt>llti° ition aud ma~y aupplie· at Paintville, ancl was c~ught in retreat Ly Garfield, who charged the fu.ll force of the enemy, and maintained a l1~nd- to- 1 nn fi!!ht ·1th 1t for fonr hours. The enemy had u.000 men and 12 cannou; Garfield had no artillery, a11d but 1,100 men. But he held his own until re-enfon.:ed by Generals Graner and Sheldon, when 1larshall ga1'e way, leaving Garfield the victor at .Middle Crerk, J11nu11ry 10th, 18G2, one of tl1 c In recognition of these sci vices President Lincol11 made the young colonel a brigadier getlC'rul, dating mo~t important on ·or Bu11 ~ville. Jn Februarv, 1863, General Rosecrans made him his c~hief of staff. At tlw battle of C11ickalllai..ga, Jrmnary 24th, l li:J, fort16cat10D It wns a bold ri a 11111jor g1>t1urnl, fir , b r·ach"d Thom it in l'r•·eideut of !>3. At the reque t of Pre::sident Lincoln he resigned his commission, 1Jec1m1Lr~r 3d. 18C:{, and liaatencd 1ch he had be •n cho ·n, fifteen mouths before, as the successor of .Joshua H. Gid1hngf!. Oerwml priugfield, being about midway b.etwecn t~ose citi.es . . It is about sixty i;niles from P ilot Knob and fifty f~·om Jefferson City. Onr ':1rtist sa~~: ' · 'l'he. high rolling country around J~nlla i for a cnmping ground. ar .Fine streams of clear water intersect rn all rothnre. pr<1c1• "8· mroa.cl a loul( rnrLrrh an1l privation makoa npon tlrnt fastidiousness ~]~ 1 1 ll~O wou d ho pasRorl by,,hut which now. urnlt>r 'l'he rapidity with which tho evening's rnf'al for' a m~rcl· 11 .rn.!1 suns.ct foll over thowholo, which 1ookor1 more lilrn 1i monster pi011io f,lin.n 'J'fwn corriPs tho hearty enjo,vment or foorl which at n.no\\"g. 1tgiment HC 1 P cnty to cat ngonclcrs 111 the hnmt111 di:1phrngtn. 18 pro1mred has something of th m:irvolou s in H. Appetite q11ic-lrnns pr110lfr~" :t111l 1 t,ho 'n'flpl't.i:r.ing p1·ovo1•1tt.iv<' or h1tngor. rn Llrn11kfnll\ A!l.l~)ll' lO~ ri1)ton. 18 on tho vast prnmes of Missouri. about fifteen miloR from 'l'ipton itllll t.wo milcH fr0111 Whmtlnml '!'li<' <'11ntp wr1~ <'nllP11t ·~ i.,,11,, II<' 2;;t.l1 of Or.tohr·r wr• h:wP rC'COl'ntv mile · lines from Wheeling and Pa1·kersbmg rlnwn tn Gmft.nn. and thPn AA~t.warn through thE" Cheal River eotm11 '. · in OF GE ERAL ROSECRANS. t ""' •>,: •· •• llot'lhwr~t of , . h11 il \II l n lh !1l '\I IL\I , ,Jilli :\I. I I: \ \ . nEXERAL FITZJOHX PORTER General Porter, l:iorn at Portsmouth, X. H., June 13th, 1822, wn' crrad(cid:173) uated, from the :U mted. State_ llilitary Academy in 18-!5, and as ·ian~d to the }onrth .A.rt11lery, 111 which he became second lieutenant, June l th, 1 46. He erved in the )Iexican \\ ar, Wl\' commissioned first lieutenant on ~fay_ 29th, and_ recei rnd the brevet of captain th 1 ±7, for sernces at )[ohno de! Rey, and that of major for Cha.pultepec. On May Hth, l 61, he beca.m~ co~onel of the Fifteenth Infantry, and on l\Iay 17th, l 61, he was made brigadier general of volunteers, and 11 igned to duty in Washington. ~n 1, 62 ~10 participated m _the Yirgi111~ Penin ula. campaign, at Yorktown, Ga.mess )hi! and Mah'ern H11!, and received the brevet of briaa(cid:173) d1er genera.I in the regular army for gallant conduct at the battle of Chicka(cid:173) hominy, Va., June 27th, 1 62. On Xovember 27th, 1 62, General Porter was arraigned before a conrt-mnrtial in Washington, charged with disobeying orders at the second battle of Bull Run, and on January 21st, 1863, he was cashiered. A bill for his relief was signed by President Cleveland, and he was restored to the United Ststes Army as colonel, August 7th, 1 86. eptember GENEHAL OHMSilY ll1AoK lGHT Ml'fOHEL. General Mitchel, born at Morganfield, Union County, Ky., August 28th 180H, died at Hilton Head, S. 0., October 30th, 1862, was graduated f ' lmmedi1~tl'ly after his g;~3~ tho Unite'.onng man (Chaplet), wearing the uniform of the "Georgia Sharpsh.ooters. 1'hrce .of Dumout's men fired he me time. and Garnett nru1 his companion fell at the first round. The men rnehed across, and on turmng the body d1scoverecl that the Coll· ( deTate J ader of Western Virginia hne r<<>~h.J tho 1·reck. at about ll<>'lll, he f" the a, ~o- · F.-loral force at a pl"""'""' mile< a•·:il. r.n l'J Frazi•·r•'r ~" 1""u11•·ll ild,·rnJ,.,J b) nrtilll'n .Jacko~n 0 o"cloc>: when he cumu:encc"d:n- foreuoou Tatn ll' the fl agsbip bad got within range we opene~l on h;r wi.th an eleven-inch gun from_ the Ottmca. The sig-nal for :11ction hn'"m be n her. ell ~ ruck her on her wheelhoose, and so mnl'!h di abled her as to compel the co m mander to signal for assistance, and one steamer turned ronnd and went to her u.id . Tbtl other three ~teamed down to returned a few shots: which fell short. The engagement lasted nearly two hours, dunng wl11ch time the Confetlemte Flagship wus strnck three tirm:i!. ~ert011!>ly damngm n ·n-1 rd Fort P· \ 1. th t ir n, th tl - - ---- ~-'=-=c-~~:.",_:~=~~~ =-=-~~ - - - .: ---- -- -== - _,.; - ··- YIBW OF 'rHE TOWN OF STEAS13URG, VAL::!:JEY OF THE SHENANDOAH. OCCUPIED BY 'l'HE FEDERAL FORCE. 1 mER GRNEH .\L R\Nl'8, 1f \H TI 2:>111, 1 'G:... ,_ Towne wlnch had hitherto remained buried in ohscurit_,. nrnl rleasanL foliage were sndd enlv con vNted in to pl"ces of nalionn.1 importance. trnsbm·g. tlll'oni:rh whose 1·nrnl streets th urmies liarl vas d, wa!I a post villa.gr of 8hcnanooah Connh1 l)f a.;out Pi3ht h•tnrlrntelv after the bnttle of Winchester. • Vn. .. ~n t)1~ .north fork of Shenandoah Riv~r and on the Manassas Oan. Rnilrono, e;ghteen miles sonth"°est of ·win he!i·. l'l'>~Onl\'\in lt. lrnd tln(cid:173) 'J'ho fine body of men call ed the Garibaldi GuardR were remarkable for the number of trnined men in its ranh. at least one-half having fonirht in European battlofielcls. CAMP OF THE GARIBALDI GUARDS, COLONEL D'UTARRY, NEAR ROCHE'S MILLS, YA., POTOMAC HIVER IN THE DJATA TCE Germane, Swiss, Irish, Scotch, and a few English who had served in ihe Crimean War. When reviewed by the President, on brigrlf t he pau ca in t lw active part of the ~Jissouri C'arnpaign Olli' special artist sent us some sketches which belong more to the romnnce of war .than itt1 tilrugglc. ·ucr of th · otlicer an cl soldiers of Ge11eral Asboth's cl i vision. wb1ch c1111110L f iii to mlcrest our rearler ... A rnong them j, a most characteristic scene in which two phases of ci rilization meet. }' ' ou 1de tho t<•ut aro alao •qually thought provoking; whil., as though lo show the folly :md ,·unity of the whole gigantic struggle, tlw r]oad Ir 11 mfi nt ~lituad a11d suggest.iYe spectacle ! .Pagans and Cliristitius truYelmg as corn pa1110111> on L_hf t ti.~nw "ar path. l1ors1•, th 111 1110~· 1111<] tlw ln. l !Ye allude to tl1 • l:ikctch idic'. e th~ ln