Break the News Gently. ee Written on the death of Jonn Oxnenporpa, a young soldier who was killed in action at Cold Harbor, Va., May 1864. His last words were: “Break the news gently to my mother! tell her I died happy.” Afar from his home in the sweet sunny North, Where the early spring flowers their fragrance sent forth, Afar from the friends who were missing his worth, A youthful form lay, on the bosom of earth. But he heard not the battle’s harsh, death-dealing sound, For kind spirits of Heaven were hovering around ; And—sweet thought!—of the one who had given him birth; Were his low parting words, the last upon earth, | “QO! break the news gently—of dying and death, To my dear mother’s ear, with a whispering breath ; In accents as sweet as a beautiful strain,— I fain would keep from her loved bosom all pain. “Ol! break the news gently !—with me all is well, Whisper how happy and peaceful I fell, © She will miss me at home, noon, at eve, evermore! I But we'll meet pure and free on the shadowless shore.” Then the fair brow grew fairer—the soul shining through, And he seemed to exhale like some rose perfumed dew; And strangers around him, with pitying hearts wept, But free from life’s battle he peacefully slept. aE A