Headquarter’s 3d Div 2 AC Headquarters in the [Saddel] on the [Daniel Boone] Dear Sister It has been some days since I Received your letter we are on the [move] when I got it and I should have answered it before but I have had a great Deal to do and we have not stoped in a plase but a few moments [illegible word] a time [illegible word] we have been a fiting we have had a long martch but we have done a big thing I cannot tell the correct number for I do not know [rest of line illegible] about [three words illegible] one day our cavalry Captain a [rest of line illegible] the horses and mules have just gone by there was a lot of artilery and we have [illegible] any troops plased [rest of line illegible] [illegible word] up the river part of the army it is a marching this way our cavalry has gone on beyond the [illegible word] and we are [illegible word] this side we are expecting them every [illegible] moment. we got in here all day [illegible] for them we got in here last night I am glad to hear there you are all [scratched out word] well and hope you may be I write on very glad that the small pox is no wors I have not had any mail for two days [illegible word] the mail has not [illegible word] any more I hope the next leter I get from there they will be all [two illegible words] again I shall be glad when Yose gets a letter from his wife fir he has been in a [two illegible words] fer a long time he has not Recvd from his wife since she has been sick I have figure what you write now and I have not time to write mutch more this time but if I dont send this out before long I will write some more in it give my Regards to all Lieut Whitman has got back he was hear a short time ago I have not had mutch time to talk with him lately so I dont know mutch about how things are getting along dont wory about me fer I am all write from Seth