Enclosure: Bell Merwin to Mary Wilcox dated Aug. 7, 1864 Palmyra July 19th 1863 Dear friend Earl It has been Some time Since I Received your letter you must excuse me for not writing sooner for I have been very busy for the last three months and I expect to be for three to come I Suppose that you have Some exciting times there now as the draft iS about to take place I expect every day to hear that I am drafted but I have not lost any sleep yet If I am drafted I Shall hire a Substitute or pay the government 500 hundred dollars have you any copperheads out your way there are plenty of them here I do not know but we will have to have war to home yet there are Some that Say that they will [Written upside down on top of Scan 2] you get this do not wait as long as I did go if drafted nor pay the 500 but I think that all will come out right yet but it may take a great while and a great deal of blood Shed and Suffering but I hope it may Soon end you wanted to know how James Stewart was he has got most well he is not able to work much yet we have got through wheat harvest and I have begun haying wheat is good here this year but grass is very light I have about 80 acres to mow now this year I have mowed [15? 19?] I have Sold my wool at the low price of 75 cents per pound My Share wool of ^ money was alittle over 6 hundred dollars I think that it pays pretty well to raise wool at 6 Shillings per pound but Some are holding on their wool for hihher prices but wool has fallen to 60 cents [Written upside down on top of Scan 3] Now be Sure and write as soon as There has been a good deal of Sick ness here this Sumer and a great many deaths Aunt Phebe Merwin is dead I suppose that you have heard of it Mr Mac Brights was here at her funeral She Suffered a great deal She had her leg taken off above her knee a few days before She died. I was there and Saw the operation I tell you it looked like savage work I do not want to See another operation like that Soloman Martin died about two weeks ago from vaccination he was not Sick only two days and a man name by the ^ of Henry Hall died the Same time and Same disease they were both vaccinated the Same time and there was only about 5 hours difference in their death John Davison iS dead [Written upside down on top of Scan 4] Earl write Soon and let me know if you are drafted do not wait as long as I have give my respects to your wife and parents and Hannah he died in may last of Eresselus he was Sick about 10 days and Suffered a great deal was crazy most of the time It has been very dry here this summer oats are very Short hardly long enough to bind I Saw John Wilcox the other day he and his family are well I did not know but from the way that you wrote that you were turning your coat of [illegible in original] do not faint by the way the glorious old Union Shall be preserved in Spite of traitors of the North and rebels of the South I hope that it will be your good luck aS well as mine to escape the draft but I Suppose that Some body has got to go although it is human nature for us all to be Selfish we are well as usual and hopeing that these lines may find you and yours enjoying health and prosperity iS the best wishes of your old friend David Merwin