1864 Harpers Ferry Va August 25 Dear Sister I take this opportunity to write a few lines to you no knowing when I will have another chance to write for we keep moving all the time we may stay here some time now we are playing tag with the Rebs we chase them forty or fifty miles till they get reinforcements and drive us back to harpers Ferry or washington the Last time we got as far as Middletown Va forty miles from Harpers Ferry. how long this will continue I dont now but I am getting tired off it we had quite a little brush on the skermish line yesterday we had two man killed and fifteen wounded and took 82 Prisoners it only Lasted aboout a half hour. they say that Lee is here with 90,000 Troops if he dont Leave soon he wont have so many to go back with to Richmond how many we have here I dont know but we have enough to hold this place I think if Lee dont think so let him take it he can tell by trying. we dont get any news here only about election and who is going to be next president I hope Lincoln wont be for I want some one that will end this war and Lincoln is to easey with them I he would put every man in the field that could handle a gun he might settle this war in three month but he keep just enough in the field to get them killed off Grant wants more troops Sherman wants more troops and Banks & Canby wants more troops and we want more troops here and now is the time for them if the troops have a chance to vote Lincoln wont get many votes I dont think they all want McClellan and if he runs and the army has a chance to vote he will get a big vote Kate I am going to send some papers with this for you to keep for me till I want them. and answer this as soon as you get it that I will know that you get them their will be a 1st Lieut Commission and sergents warrant and a Reb Enlistment paper and my discharge as a private Remember me to all the folks and my Love the the children from Your Brother Jim 1 Lt Co E 133 N.Y.Vols 3rd Brigade 19th Army Corps Harpers Ferry Va To Kate