Winchester Va March 22 1865 Dear Sister I received your letter two days ago and see by it that you have not received the one that I wrote to you since I returned to the Regt it must have been mislaid for I wrote it two days after I returned from home. we are having fine weather here now for the last few days and the mud is drying very fast and the roads is getting quite good again and we will soon have to be on the march again but I hope not for a long time for the Jonnys are getting about played out. the rebs that Genl Sheridan Captured Came through here aboout three weeks ago and they were the worst looking lot I ever saw their were about fifteen hundred of them and not more than half of them had shoes or Boots on their feet their were some in their stocking and more with nothing on their feet atall their were a good many of them without hats or Caps and hardly Clothes enough to cover their nakedness they all said they had done their last fighting for Jeff Davis we have also good news from Sherman to day that he had taken Goldsborough N.C. without any fight also that Jeff Davis wants Grant and Lee to settle the war without fighting any more I think the way things look now that the war will be over before my time is out I ahve but Six months more to serve from to morrow and you need not be affraid of my reinlisting again for they wont want me I dont think I will send you one of my Potograph I had taking when I was in N. Y. with citizens clothes on I think it is a very good one I dont see why Higgins and Highs folks dont write I ahve wrote to them since I came back I have wrote to all except Deb and I dont know where to Direct a letter to her she has not answered the last one I wrote to her well Cate I guess I have wrote about Enough this time remember me to all the folks and give my love to the Children From Your Brother Jim to Cate