Jefferson City Mo. Oct. 1st 1862 Sister Kate I have been down the river about 500 miles below St. Louis to see Mr. Payn. He has not been well all summer. and as he was staying awhile at Helena I thought I would just take a trip down and see him. I am sorry you feel so down hearted and lonely. if I could leave here I would certainly come and stay with you this winter, but we had just commenced school before I left. I got another teacher in my place while I was gone, and she gave general dissatisfaction, but what do I care for that I was going any way. I hardly see how you can be lonesome. you have got your children there with you and then I didn't think you one of that kind, that would allow any thing that cant be avoided to make you unhappy. You didn't tell me whether Sol was going to stay with you or not this winter. were I situated so I could I certainly would come and stay with you. but I feel that I am needed here and then Mr Payn thinks he will come home before long unless he gets better soon. But Kate I cant worry if I try. so there is no need of trying. Dwight had a letter from John yesterday. he is in washington. Sereno is still in St. Louis. Frank, is here he belongs to the [enmoblee?] malitia. I am not very well now havn't been this summer. As soon as I do hard work or talk more than usual, I get so tired and weak I can hardly go. I think the war will not last a great while longer anyway. The south are getting awfully sick of having such large armies living off from them. they take every thing clean as they go and they can get nothing in the south only what they army takes so they are bound to suffer unless they do something to settle the hash before long. I had a letter from Mag a few days ago she talks of going to New York this fall. I wish you could manage to go with her. you would feel a great deal better than you will to stay there all the time. If Mr. Payn shouldn'd come home this winter maybe when our school is out I will come and stay with love you. With, ^ I remain your sister. D.H. Payn