Jefferson City Mo. Oct. 27th. 1862 Dear Sister Cate I received Mrs. Vantuzes letter to day bringing the sad news of Thomas' death. certainly that is a great affliction. perhaps the greatest that can happen to a family is to lose by death either husband or wife. Thousand of homes are made desolate by this dreadful war. I would rather hear that he was made comfortable and had a decent burial. than to hear that hear that he died in a rebel prison. were I situated so I could I would come and stay with you this winter. I am keeping house. I have a young lady staying with me for company and going to school. I believe I wrote you about going to Helena to see Mr Payn. since then the company has come in to Missouri all except him. when I was there he was staying about six miles in the country. he had been sick a long time and useing river waters made him worse so he with some others was Sent out in the country to [reemit?] on the 5th of this month he went into town and they had orders to march about midnight. he went back to call in the other men since which time nothing has been heard of him. I do not know whether he was killed on his way back and left on the top of the ground or whether he was taken prisoner by the guerrilla bands that are all through the south. Charlie has gone or is going down to try and find out something about it. if I only knew whether he is alive or dead then the mind would be more at rest but now. I dont know what to think nor what to do.. we all have our afflictions to bear in this world. we all feel as though we have all we are able to bear. Dwights boys are all in the army except Baz. Frank & Sereno are both in Saint Louis. John is near washington. nearly every man under forty five about here is in the army I still hope Mr. Payn will yet come home, but if he is at Little Rock in prison the chances for him to come back are only ninety nine out of a hundred. his health was so poor and then to throw into prison and fed on corn bread without salt and water I am afraid will make his disease worse and end in death. write to me often as you can. with kind regards to Mrs. Vantuze and love to all am your Sister Deb Payn