High Point Moniteau Co Mo January 17th 1864 Dera Sister Kate and family It is a long time since we have heard from you only by of our Conquest friends I wrote to Mamma & also to Sol before I heard of their leaving you and I thought that would answer every purpose. but as I dont hear from you and feeling anxious to knw how you get along this cold weather I hope you will write as soon as you get this. We have had very cold weather here. Mr. Payn froze his nose, ears, and fingers doing his chores one morning. I went to Jefferson the day before Christmas and stayed till after New Years. Dwights folks were well. Sereno is home recruiting. he will be likely to stay untill spring. Frank is near Vicksburg he has not been home since he enlisted. He thhink thinks he will come in the spring. we had a letter from Conquest a week or two ago saying Mammas health is not very good this winter I wrote for Maj Hardenbergh to come out here and stay a year with me next spring. Bub wrote back that she was staying at her Uncles Edwins and he didnt know what she would do about it. if she comes I wish you would let Martha Jane [ol?] Dolly come with her and stay as long as she does then if they want to go back we will furnish them means to go with. I think Martha is old enough to write me a lwtter. Have you heard from Jim lately and if you have where is he. Sereno looked for him when he was in vicksburg but couldnt hear from him. I want you to write all about the children. how you get along this cold weather who stays with you this winter. where Sol is and what he is doing. With kind regards to all I am. Deb H. Payn