1864 Grand Rapids Jan 18 Dear Sister I now take the oppertunity to rite you a few lines to let you know how I am getting a long I am well and like the Bissness of soljeran prety well so far i would like to come home before I go of but I dont expect i can thare is not much to rite a bout here Ithare is all sorts of folks here our Barrics smeels worse than the our hog pen smels thare is so many in thare it is a brick building and from 4 to 5 Hundred in their so it makes them prety thick the most have bad colds but feel in good sperits I If you cant pay the money that i sent home you on your morgage you can let it a while if you can you must rite to me as often as you can and let me know how you are getting a long rite and let me know if you got my bounty Direct to Barrics of Drafted men Grand Rapids From your B Soll