6 Chatinoga Jan 29 18^4 Dear Sister I arived to my company last night and am well and harty as a chick it is a quite a sight for me to see the troops here the tents are spread over three or fore miles here i should [think?] by the looks the [solgers?] look tough in [my?] company i feell [very?] well to day except [I am?] tired of reding on [train?] cars here I have not seen any one that I know yet but I am on a hill so i can see over a good part of the encampment it looks grand to see the lights at night over the camp it is a bout as nise a show as I have seen in a long time the I hope that the rest of the boys comes will come up prety soon I have not seen any body that I know since I left the rapids but i guess they will be a long in a few dys I [cant?] rite much this [morn-?] ing I wish you would rite to me and let [me?] now how you got a long in that cold snap in the first of the month and tell me how much money you have recieved from me since i left I have sent one hundred and thirty five dollars with Mcomber and Expressed fifty more to battle creek and I would like to know if you got it or no I dont think of any thing more to rite at present give my love [to?] all inquireing friends [Tell?] them that i am well [and?] Enjoying myself [as?] well as posible so good [bye?] until nex time From your brother Solomon Hardenbergh to Cate Baker