Chattnooga May 29 1864 Dear sister i now take the opertunity to rite you a few lines to let you know how i am getting a long i am not very well at present but hope before this reaches you i will be better i hope before this reaches you i think that the war will be over before by nex fall if we ceep it a moving and i guess that we will grant seems to push the thing a long prety well I have not recd a letter from you since the i cant tell when but it is been a good while you must rite as often as you get a letter from me i cant rite much now for it is prety warm here now it makes my head acht to rite so i shall have to bring these few lines to a close we expect to come home this fall if the war is over and we may if it is not i herd that the cornel sayed that no one else could run his regm if that be the case we will be home this fall when the regm time is out and that will be in Set September or october but i dont know weather we will or no i cant think of any more so, good bye until nex time so no more From your Brother Solomon rite soon as you get this and Direct to Solomon Hardenbergh First Mish Engs & Mechs Chattnooga tenn Send me some postage Stamps i am out now