To Aunt Kate Baker Camp Stoneman Jan 23rd /64 Dear Aunt, I have atlast taken my pen to write you a few lines hopeing they will find you and yours all enjoying good health, I have often thought of you, and as often thought I would write to you - but owing to a lack of time and material - (and partly neglect) I have not . Done So. Well Aunt it .. is [illegible strikeout] no more than right that I make some excuses for my seaming neglect - you [illegible strikeout] are no doubt posted on the movements of our cavalry the past summer it has been a series of hard marches and battles picketing and patrolling so that the soldres could hardly get time towrite atall, will hopeing you ^ accept my excuses for the past and I promice to do better in the future, I am now at Dismounted camp wateing to be sent to the front as soon as the Doc in charge thinks my health is good enough to stand it - but I Dont think it will be untill I get a furlough the Doc has promiced me one but I Dont see it yet, I understand that Sol has enlisted I hope he will not have to serve long. Some think that the war is a most over, I hope it is, but I think that we shall have another campeign the next summer, blooddeer than the last. the rebs are not subduded yet althoe they are badly whipped, Jarrome I hear has lost a leg, I am very sorry for the poor fellow I have always thought that I would rather loos my head than to loos a limb but a soldier must take it as it comes. I have no news to write you this time hope this will find you and the little ones [illegible strikeout] well, If you have time to spare and can write a line to me I should be very happy to hear from you Have you herd from Deb whare is she, I have never herd a word in regard to her Since I have been in the army. I must now bid you good by for this time, You must excuse all mistakes and poor writing Accept my best wishes and believe me as ever your true friend to Aunt Kate Er