[Penciled in on top of Scan 1] [Chris Paine 4-24-64] April 24th /.64 Mossy Creek ET Dear Pa and Ma as to day is Sunday and I have nothing else to do I thought I would write to you. I am well and hope you are the same. I suppose you have moved by this time and are nicely settled down ere this I recieved a long and welcome letter from Cousin Alice and her folks not long since now Pa when you write tell me how the election Came of did you recieve the five Dollars which I sent you two or three weeks ago. write to me regular once a week. you are right handy by a Post office Warren is well at present it took him down when he heard [Lib?] Crandell was Married I saw Claudia [illegible] husband night before last he is a Seargeant and has a great deal to say about his [Clogger?] has Ellen got a Beau yet or not. how does Charley get along. tell him I would be glad to hear from him. I suppose you keep the old shot gun yet do you not. we are in good quarters now and get plenty to eat and that is all a soldier Cares for. how did Dick feel when he came to leave his folks I hope he will be contented in the army. if he is not it will be a hard lot for him. I hope you will make money where you are and I guess you will write soon and tell all the news give my love to all and tell Grandma I would like to see her I sent will and Fan a quarter apiece the other day Good Bie. from your ever true and Loving son Israel G Atkins