[Penciled diagonally on top of Scan 1] [6-20-65] Salisbury N.C. June 20th /65 Loved ones at Home it is with great Pleasure that I seat myself to inform you of my health. I am well and hearty and hope these few lines will find you enjoying the same blessing. we are still on our old encampment. and shall stay here untill we start for home which will be d before long. it is rumore^ that we start from here this week but I do not credit it. we shall start this month though at any rate. Warren is well he makes a good non com missoned. officer. Arnold has got to be transfered to the twenty eighth Mich. so he will not get home with the rest of us. I want you to answer this as soon as you get it and let me know all the news. now a word for sister Fannie I think she has gained on her writing a great deal since her last letter I hope she will continue to learn as fast during the summer. is Will. going to school this summer I think he is old enough. Pa gave me quite a glowing discription of [Miss?] Brewer he said she had seen me before I inlisted I should like to know where it was well now some thing else Pa you say your horse has run away with you once. I guess he wants me at home to ride him a little I guess he would not run away with me if he does he will be smart give my love to Ellen and all of my relations and keep a verry large share for your selves I am glad your garden stuff will be so good. I hope I can get home time enough to help you in haying but I am afraid I cant do it we are making out our papers to be mustered out as soon as they are done. I can keep my gun and accouterments by paying six dollars for them and I shall do it and bring them home with me. when I start for home I will endeavor to let you know when I shall be in courruna. write soon. how is Grandma tell her I would like to see her verry much indeed kiss Hellen for me and tell willie to be a good boy no more at present so good Bie. I remain as ever your loving son Israel. G. Atkins H A Atkins Locke Ingham .... Co Mich