No 7 [Penciled in] [1862?] [Written upside down on top of Page] Joe Gilles is getting quite smart again Camp Ellabishop Nov 16 Dear Sister Emma Good Morning how do you do this morning I am well. Jerry says if you see any of his folks tell them that he is sick so he cannot write he has chills evry other day (and fever) d he is so that he is up roun^ evry day kind of ague I guess. I was going to send with Charlies alittle in a letter ^ that he was going to send by Hank Chatfields wife but she is not going to start home until Wednesday so I will write some more and send it by mail we have had company inspection of arms fault with evry gun the orderly found.^ I am very sorry to hear that your [Written sideways on right side of Page] this morning [Written upside down on top of Page] [illegible] is dead and his father is here [Continued sideways on left side of Page] he died last wednesday night with a fever cough is worse again I was in hopes that you was getting well. but by all means stay home from school if it will make you any worse to go Charlie told me that you was going to stay at Wms this winter. for my sake by try and be careful of yourself. for you are all that I have to live for you know. you must not worry about me for ter time goes a great deal fas^ with me than it does with you at home for here there is so much going on [crossed out] [here] evry day that we dont mind the time as you do there. The night of the 13th I got a letter from you and I am bound not [Written upside down on top of Page] tell our folks that John Brooks. get very much in debt if I possibly can help it last night I got a paper in d it am very much oblige^ to you for it. it filled my box half full I had got entirely out when the folks send things for the boys the stuff that will do the boys most good is butter for it makes d hard crackers taste a goo^ deal better. Please tell E.J. that the next time she sends me any thing I would rather she would not send it in company with jays for you know that he is a curious kind of a fellow but I shal be very much obliged let it come as it will It is quite a joke on Lucys cough wasent it. bad that you did not mean to tell me of it your pen scratched it off before you thought dident it I do not blame you for not wanting to go off with Albert and should not go if I was in your place if I did not want to let who would talk about when it. [crossed out] [if] ^ all the rest of the you folks are against you ^ can go to your sister Emma.J. friend and find a ^ and a true one to she has been a good sister to me. and will be a true friend to you if you trust her. and Clark will be another. about Jays religion other if his M^[crossed out] [ichig] could have been in hearing of him the other night when that box came I guess that she would have thought that he had experienced ent religion. but I must stop for the pres^ so good bye with a [Written sideways on right side of Page] kiss