Camp Ella Bishop Feb 1st /63 Sister Emma Good morning How do you do this morning I am well we have got back to camp and the mud is towards knee deep we cannot get out of our tents with out getting into it either it is mud where ever we go yesterday we had brigade drill today we were to have general inspection but it has rained all the fore noon so we were t not called out. provos^ guard duty has played out with us I reckon for a while. Jerry says tell the folks he has just taken his whiskey rations but not any for me but I expect you will scold when I tell you that I have learned to play cards but you know what I think about card playing if it is not carried to far it is no worse than fox and geese or checkers and I think I know when I have gone far enough dont you? if you are afraid that I shal get to gambeling I will k stop immediately spea^ your mind freely and ing not be afraid of offend^ me for you know who you are writing to. I dont calculate to do anything that I am ashamed of to tell you and if I do anything that you do not think is right I want you to say so. Well I have had a dish of beans and now I will scratch a little more some of the boys are playing cards but I can get along without playing Sunday yet I had rather write to my friends. as long as I have not got but a few. has your Father got that draft yet t some of the boys wan^ to get their names off that allotment roll I have not seen Charlie h today there is so muc^ mud that we stay pretty close to home but I reckon he is well the boys are mostly well. you will not find this very interesting I reckon for you know I cannot write where there is much noise. The last letter that I got from you was numbered 13 when it ought to have been 14. There is meeting this- afternoon at 2 oclock P.m I think I shal not go. but stay in my shanty out of the mud. Have you sent that box yet it can not get here a minute to quick write soon and oblige. James