No 24 Nashville Apr 24th Sister Emma Good Morning How do you do this morn -ing. I feel tip top I read your welcome letter no. 21 last Tuesday night the first and only one I have had since we have been here. I have been to murfreesbore three times Jerrie has gone today. I was glad to hear that you [crossed out] [were] are gain- -ing and hope you will keep doing so until you are as well as you was a year ago last Febuary I hope you will be well enough to go to school this fall but I do not see much prospect of my being there to go with you I reckon the only school that I go to will be the school of the soldiers. Some of the boys think different some of them think that we shal be at at home before another winter but I cant see it so but who cares as long as as we are well and have as good fare as we have now I weigh the most now that I ever did. I should think you thought more and more of Em .W. every time she comes to see you by the way you write. It was rather bad for [illegible] to loose her baby. It is most drill time and if I do not close I shal not get this in this mail write soon and oblige your brother J.W.