Head Quarters 44th Regt N.Y.S.V. Beverly Ford on the Rappahannock Riv Aug 22nd 1863 Dear Mother I received your kind note of August 16th yesterday & was glad to hear from home, of your health & prosperity & hope this will find you in the enjoyment of the same great blessings. My health is not good but it is much better than when last I wrote & I am doing duty with the company We occupy the same position as when I wrote last & there is not much prospect of an immediate change, every thing is quiet at the front with no signs of a fight very soon. the conscripts are beginning to arrive at the Head Quarters of the Army and are being distributed to the different Brigades, one Regt in our Brigade has received 150 and we are expecting some in our Brig Regt before long Good news continues to come from Charleston our men have erected a battery of 200 Pounder rifled Parott guns on Morris Island and in practicing at Fort Sumpter the other day they knocked 2 holes through the solid wall. the holes were 4 feet across. at such a rate as that it would not take long to make Sumpter a pile of ruins it was thought the attack would be made on [?] monday last but we have not heard the news from there so that date Fort Sumpter will have to fall but it will take some time after she falls to reduce the city for they have other works nearer the city which will have to be battered down before we can reach the city unless Admiral Dalgren should conclude to burn the city - which he could do from fort Sumpter but I think he take his time for it & save private property. the Rebels have said they would burn the city before it should fall into possession of the "Yankees" but come to have the case brought before them in reality I guess they would call "discretion the better part of valor" and let the city remain. it is quite amusing to read the boasts of the southern Press over their strongholds & see the results of their "dying in the last ditch" system which they [mangerated?] last fall, it does not appear to agree with their ideas of chivelry to "die in the last ditch" I have not heard from George since about the time he wrote home N he was then in Memphis & expected to start in a few days for Utah Utah I received a letter from Cousin Hattie A Hamilton this week the folks were all well when she wrote. I would like to have you send me 2 or 3 stamps each time you write for I cannot get any here those you sent came safe. If you need any of the money I have sent home use it if not I have written to Mary that Wm could have the use of it till next fall if he does not take it have Father put it in some good use. I can think of no more to write this time Write Soon and accept this from Your affectionate Son J H Wheeler Co H 44th Regt N.Y.S.V. Washington D.C. To Ms Sarah Wheeler Yorkshire Centre [?] County New York