Camp Anderson Nov. 21 / 61 Dear Parents, I receive yours of the 17 in due time and was very glad to here from you. I have just ben doing ample justice to a good dinner of boiled cabage and turnips and as I was up last night [illegible marking] with the sick and had nothing to eat from 5 oclock last night till [illegible marking] noon to day you can form a prety good idea of how I took hold, Some of the boys are very low haveing caut cold just as they were geting over the measles and thare is two or three that it will go pretty hard with, Thare is a grate improvement in the affairs afoot camp, we can [crossed out] [illegible] have the pleasure of mounting armed guardes, thare was twenty muskets and a [illegible] found brass canon came in yesterday, the num -ber of guards have redu sed from 28 to [remainder of line illegible] [illegible] as the Colonel sayed of the good behavior of the third regiment he sayed in a speach [illegible] that when he came from Detroit the first thing that he heared was the chang of conduct in the soldiers and that the third regiment was the best behaved of the two Thare is a few horses coming in now but not very fast thare is about 250 tons of hay here now and more a coming in all the time, thay ecspect 1,600 horses here before we can move, if we have to wait for them the rebles will be whiped before we get ready for the field if they follow up the victorys that has ben gained by the navy I want to come home next weak if I can get thare but I do not know how it will be I am well and hardy & hope that those few lines will find you the same We are all comfortable qua rted and have five stories in our barracks which gives us all a chance in cold weather and evinings which we find much more pleasant than stan ding around a fire in the open air. To day thare was distributed 20 blankets which was seent by the Lady of Fentonvill and they ecspect 70 more and 110 pair of socks so if we have to stay here all winter we shall be comfortable No more at present Write as soon as you receive this Yours treuly Harrison Traphagen