Lexington June 24th /63 Dear Sister I received yous of the 14th the 22nd and was glad hear to from you and to hear that you were well I have been quite unwell since I wrote to you last am some better now but am very weak yet we have been on forced marches [crossed out letter] and I have been along all but two days we left Lietrm- ans Bridge [crossed out][one] one week ago last Saturday night after some Gurrillas we marched all night Saturday night and all day Sunday morning in the aftern oon we camped within about 25 miles of the cumberland mountains [crossed out word] we camped there till the next morning then all that [crossed out][was] was able started and [crossed out][nights] 12 nights so they only had 4 nights to rest there is about 40 of our Regt about 10 miles from here guarding beef Cattle there is [illegible] 1,360 of the Cattle all the tents are here and most of their blankets we are Camped in the woods about 3/4 of a mile of the Ky River we have had three other Camping Grounds withing 11/2 miles of here some places along the River the Rocks are 400 feet straight up and down one place between here and the River on the lower side of the road it is over 200 feet strait dow the other day a four mule team run off where it was about fifty feet down it killed three of the mules and the driver we live pretty well here we have pork Beans Beef and rice we have Bakers Bread tea and Coffee our sugar and molasses is the smallest rations that we have we have a mess of Blackberries every few day ther is five or six of our Boys out today picking Berries two of our Co was wounded in the fight at Buffington one in the head mortaly. the other in the leg one of Co G was accidentaly shot on the Road he was one the that shot Andrew Whalen the day we left Covington Andrew Whalens folks used to live back of Leroy Cummings there one wounded that I did have a change to get any thing for he was on picket as soon as the fight was ovr the wheat looks good where we have been it is most ready to cut no more at present Write soon and Direct as before yours in the cause of liberty [crossed out][From you] From your Brother Robert To Helen Rogers