May 19th. 1863 Camp. Austin Blair Nashville Tenn Friend William today finds me as well as usual finley alittle better than usual I am getting as tuff as a bear and hope these few linds may find you and yours injoying the same blessing the boys is all in purty good health and good spirits we are havi ng lots of fun on piquet we have all the milk we want we have got lots of cows we can milk Albe rt and I milked three last knight and the rebs dont like the 18 mutch they think wee are hard [illegible] and I think so two but it cant be helped the rebellion must be crushed James is well and on camp gard today I am sorry to say that he has been redused to the rank, and for what wee know not what for but I gess it was because he could not put stile anuff on to plees the Captain A Carver is gaining he is on duty to day Luther is well Ralph is on the gain he is in Indiana in aconverlesant Camp at Newalbany What dos the folke think there about the war closing by this time it look rather dark at presant I think wee will hafto stay our three years the report of Richmand being taken is falce wee cant place any depend ance in [crossed out word] the papers any more they contradict them selves so mutch the rebs is within eight miles of here with alarge force wee dont know whether they calculate to atacked us or not but wee think they are trying to get in Ky if wee can succeed in keeping them out of their this summer theye are soon whiped it is purty warm weather here now and cool knight wee are situated in quite a pleasant place Near the village of Nashville but dont know how long wee shall stay here the talk is that wee have gotto go out in front then probaly wee shall see some fun[crossed out] [n] if soldering is fun the main poin t is to keep up good courage and the onley way I find to do that is to place confidence in the Saviour he is able to make the rough smooth and the crooked strait but I find it a dificalt task to live as it is becoming a christian here in the army but God being my helper I am determi ned to try to live in that way when I shall be called from the shore of time that I may have a home in Heaven I haint hurd from Write for some time I gess the folks has forgot [crossed out] [how] to write to me I would like to hear from you and all the rest of the folke their tell Barey to write to me and I will try to ansure the letters I tell uncle John and Aunt Jene I haint forgat them yet and would like to hear from them my famly was well the last I hurd from them have you many copper heads there in Write I suppose they dont feel mutch like fiting I shall hafto close for this time pleas write as [crossed out word] soon as you get this Direct to Co D 18th Mich Infantry Nashville Tennessee from P.J. Conklin to Friend William Good buy