Oliva sister of Ralph M Lickleys - mother - Nashville, C.H. Aug. 11th /.63 Dear. Friend. Oliva. B I. received your kind and interesting letter not a long Since, and read it with pleasure and interest. glad to hear that the folks are well. our Boys are all well at present. Albert. has gone to Louisville today to guard prisoners that are Sent on the cares to that place. I am on guard at the tresle works west of town. it is a verry pleasant day. all is quiet on the Cumberland. dinner is ready and I must go and partake of the frugal meal. 12.o.clock Good Bye oliva B well I have been to dinner. I. had Milk and Ripe peaches fried Beef Soft Bread Butter & c jam Still Seem to:question the truth of the d paper which. I. take. well I receive^ one the other day Stating that you Said that I had. no. claim upon you whatever. and also that Bary was a Striveing hard to learn the Barbers trade with you. but all of that is well enough I hope and wish him good Success dont you. you See I take the daily papers and know all that takes place of importance. But I Suppose that the note that I hold against you. is good for nothing now as perhaps it is outlawed. as not Signed by the payee. I must close Soon I went yesterday and had my likeness taken. and Should Send one to you. if it were not for fear of hurting Someones feelings which perhaps would not be for you credit or best good and you have never Said as [illegible] wished. any Such a present from me and therefore perhaps had not better Send one untill I am better informed upon this point.. I do not think of any more that is of any importance. neither have I written anything of importance but above all things amid the verried Scenes of life let us have the Smiles of our Savior upon us. By doeing his will in all things and in all circumstances and at all times. o let us all meet in heaven if we nevre do on earth But. I. trust that we Shall meetin again the fewture can onely. tell. Write Soon as Convenient I am with respect your Friend and well wisher R.O. Stout Miss Oliva. M. Barber Good. Bye