Nashville, Tenn Oct. 11th. .1863 Dear friend your kind and very interesting letter came to hand not long Since. I am glad to hear that you are well. and as a matter of corse you are a trying to enploy your life as well as possible. I am in the enpoyment. of midling health at this time. and hope this may find you blest with good health [penciled in] [and] spirits. D Albert has just returned from Louisville. I went last Week and was gone 4 days. onely think I was almost one third of the way Home from here. we had 500 [penciled in] [a] Rebs. on the train thy were ^ ragged Set of men. our Regiment is under marching orders at this time. we may Start for the front this Week.. and again we may not go away from here this winter. we do not know where we Shall be one day beforehand.. there is a large Battle to be fought not far distant and before long I. do not know whither we shall participate in it or not. time will tell... I heard that two of. Mr. Lairds. Sons are. Wonded. & then that the Boys were dead. there was a good or great many wonded & killed in the last engagement. never theles our men held this position. the Enemy had five men to our one. our Brothers. the 22ond Mich who have been with us ever Since we have [crossed out word] Been South. and they were orderd to the field. and. Shared the fate of Soldiers this field officers were taken prisoners. and about 1/2 the. regt. missing Some killed Some wonded, we will not See them as a Regt. very Soon again [illegible] what lots of poor wonded men and Boys have. Been brought here. to this place and there will be many more to come before long - May God speed the time when this. war. shall [crossed out word] close and our people as a nation again [penciled in] [enjoy] peace. and. Serve God in a right & exceptable manner.. I. Just. Reed a letter which Mrs. M. Lickly Sent to me in with a letter which she wrote to A.W.B. think I Shall write to her son althoe she gave me the chance to do as I wished. about Writing, well it is about Bed time. and I do not think of any thing more to write. excuse all mistakes and poor Writing. guive my best respects to all friends & reserve some for yourself yours with respect R E Stout Miss. Oliva. Barber [penned in] [Lickley] Wright A. Mich Wright as Soon as convenient Good Night [penned in] [A W B was [illegible] Albert W Barbre broth to Olive & Malowa Barber Lickley]