[Written sideways on left side of page] my love to all friends Camp Wells Oct the 15 1862 [illegible] Dear Brother & Sister I received your letters a few days ago & read them with pleasure it does me good to read letters from my friends in Wright & to hear that they are well I cannot Say that I well nor I dont know as I can Say that I am Sick I think I shall be all right in a day or to Ralph has got the Rheumatism in his right knee joint he is better than he was I think. when we came to this camp we got here late no time to put up tents it rained a little most all night and Ralph took cold at that time in his knee Philip is excused from duty as well as myself Martin is tough as a [illegible] & Luther Stands it first rate Michael is at the Hospital he has had the Measles is better now James is well & Albert Carver Mr Thom is tough Jude & George well [Written upside down on top of page] kiss Hattie for me yes and Some of the larger girls to if you can I guess you can if you try day before yesterday 20 of this Com went out on [crossed out word] [illegible] of which I was one of the number we generaly have good times if we get in a good place or [illegible] a good [illegible] because we get Something diferant to eat when we was out Martin Bought a pie John [illegible] a Jonnycake & C [illegible] a loaf of light Bread & I got a few plums and the Lieutenant Bought Some plums & the boys brought in Some Turkeys & Chickins the Colonel thought that there was to much Michigan money passed here. So yesterday they ordered all to fall in the Enemy is in the rear between here and Cav expecting to have a big march I did not feel able So I was excused & when they got out there examine Pocket Book when they got through the examannation that was all the enemy there was [Written upside down on top of page] tell Pa if he got that Certificate I want to know it if he did not get it I will Send another [illegible] I cannot hardly write there is so much jokeing & laughing all kind of talk Sometimes they are quite steady and we have a good talk with one another there is a prayer meeting here once in a while but Seldam we Expected to march this morning but the order was countermand we expect to march Soon perhaps in a day or two the most of the people around here appear to union but Some confess that they are Secesh we are about 40 miles from Cincinnatti [illegible] miles from Williamsburg there was a battle the other day at Richmond [illegible] there was 10 or 12 Ambulances wagon with the wounded they Say there is an an army of Rebels up the pike a little ways I doubt it Some but I dont know how it is they Say we will be in action before long we may and may not very Soon [Written upside down the top of page] one of the boys of Co B died this Morning it hapens quite often here in the Army the boys are just agoing out on Battalion drill I think we have learnt Some in the drilling line Since we left Hillsdale as [illegible] is out there trying to Spread himself in drill I must tell you that he is our Lieutenant untill the Captain Brother Comes he is in a day or two & Lieutenant Whipple is Ajitant William you Spoke I think before I left a bout getting a hive of Bees it is as you and Pa can make it I guess it wont be a very hard matter to make a trade with him I must close perhaps you getting tired of reading &, Go dear Brother & Sister & Hattie for a Season I bid you good bye may the the time Soon come when wars shall be heard of no more may the right be done it is very dry here the trees are green yet it has been very dry here this Summer they Say I think of home & friends in wright very often write soon both of you & often good bye