Sunday 3d the, 1864 Ever Dear Sister Oliva once more I am blessed with the privelige of writing to you this is a privelige that I Esteem very highly. & I am shure I cannot value it [illegible due to tear in paper] high. had one no means by which to communicate I should be lost. I should wish myself no longer a Soldier. & were it not a duty. & for love of Country. & very necessary for to Crush this Rebelion which has caused so much Blood Shed. so many tears which has made so many Widows, & Orphans. I would not wish to be a Soldier. no I would not hazzard my life for money, or fame, no I would much rather be at Home. & Enjoy the Comforts of life, but War will not always last. but whether you or I. will live to see Peace again Established. we cannot say. time till tell [Written upside down on bottom of page] I will write to Malvina in a few days my love to all the Folks Christmas & New Years passed of very Pleasantly, as all other days do. I dont think I would know any difference by appearences some say all days are alike. but they should not be. the Commandment Remember the Sabath day to keep it Holy is just as binding on the Soldier as the Cavilian, but often we have to do things here that we would not do under different circu mstances, but this we cannot help I am glad to hear that you are getting along so fine in your Studies & hope you will continue I am agoing to send you & Malvina some pics or likenesses like those I sent by Orderly & I want to know if those [illegible] are set right or do you want them cross ways of the [illegible] ask Malvina how she wants hers & then let me know & I will finish them & send them it is about dark & I will have to quit or you cant read it write soon & let me know about the [illegible] good Bye Albert W Barber