EXP ElllllNOE t$ <\'~ MISSIONA IlY. • - ,- 'u trnliulNO SA.':)'O"'U.lATI01t nV}'.. :'t1l [Tho rollowiuq ;. Imrt of n' letter 'Peen l!y nr .... ivrd from a broth~r in the rOT~lgll mi.-ioua,y /i,,!(I. IJ~r(lrl! hn loft this COUllt'" he wu c'IQcmml h YO" ,leva(",,! Ch,istinu: bm hi8 >lOU labor'<)tl Un,lOT \116 Mn~e ofa II'lIn~ Ihnl W3~ hot mel, 8ml he e"rnc"ll~ ,tc8lrc,ll/mt ho millht 1m wholly 8.IIllctil1c,1 unto GOII. Ami,l tho lnbul'll IInU' ami~tion. 10 whleh he has bOCH COl.llet), 11(1 11M recc,yc(1 "III~ li!clIl!iu/I'." Hi~ accuu,,' or hi8 Cl(lOrI~nuo i8 publlshcll in tho hUllt! thai it HIl!., in~tmclllltd oncourago uther •. "Tho tUlimony "Oho .I..onl ;& Bur(l: 1118I.;b'I( WUw! thl! lill1l'l(I.'] J _ . Feb., 1861 My detlr departed wife nml I hllYC often, y~/j, nlwnys, remombered you nllel your f"lUJ'Jily, 811(1 l>IIt Btay with YOtl, with tile l10epcst interest tlnd afT.wtioll, oSjlctilllly 011 tlCCOllnt of thl) moro inti. mllte hefLrt-acqnlli ntllnco which \\'1\ thero secnred with the blessed Savior, and we hoped to con!inuQ those illstnimelltnlitlC8 for growth in grRce by, at least, 80me written communication8_ I writo now, not to communiCRte AUy 8Xternal uew,., hut to speak ofth080 thinge or the inward kingdom which IIsed to intorost us in 111080 half.hour cllnts In yOllr family. Tho I'oligio)ue experience of my wife 'U1tl .self ~;ne9 WI) camo IlOro, ha3 been, in tile mll in, about' the sa~e;'lhollgh r fe~l !hnt there wlia ill her the greator aepth of f,uth TulOOJlH ana t:ltrne8lnea~ t'f ~p;"'it. clear and blessed. There were those rounds of time I believed that I sbould be loosed from believing and disbelieving; sinning and repent- these bonds sooner or later; but wben, or just ing, repeated in periods of fNm one to four how, I knew not. I believed that Jesns bad weeks or so. But this was true, the circles taken hold of me with a grasp that he would grew larger as time passed, the lights and shades not relax till he had brought me where he want- of experience brighter and darker, the struggles ed me. I was not in a state of mind in which I more de3per~te, and the temporary triumphs shrunk from any calamity, sorrow, or sacrifice, more triumphant. Each battle did increase my which it might plea~e God to lay upon me. knowledge, strength, and faith, though these There was, indeed, often a feeling that would would seem finally to reach a point wbere they welcome anything of the kind that would thor- would be overtopped and prostrated. My heart, oughly subdne me. I shrunk from nothing but instead of having Christ in it as an overflowing the thing necessary, which was to perseveringly spring, waG lib~ a pump tbrough which watcr arouse myself from my slough of spiritual sloth in more permanent and solid rest i than I had are, ~ professing Christian, engaged in a Christian known before. Those petty cha1ings were at work, ofren expressing confident expectations of an end. ' But I have now reason to beli~ve that beaven,and a desire to go there, as though it my soul was not then on a foundation where it were a settled case with, you; yet if -you ask' would abide. Soon God ' took my wife. To yourself thil question: "ke you really Christ's that I found my heart as supple as a weaned and he yours, you for him and he for you, 'insep •. child'iI:-n