Camp Ella Bishop Feb 17 1863 Respected Brother Your kind & interesting letter of the 10th inst was received in due time & was perused with pleasure I was glad to hear that you were all well & hope this will find you Still in the enjoyment of health my health is improveing daily I am on duty again Mrs Thorn got up Some rather tall notes about the Boys from what I can hear per M you Say that if I thought that 2.50 would was not enough for those logs you ^ pay more that is all that I should have a charged you had I Set ^ price on them There was a mistake in the report that I had been promoted to first Sergeant I am only fifth George Brewster holds the position of first Seargent perhaps you have heard that Cap Hill has been discharged on account of inability physically & gone home Lieutenant Turner has resigned also & gone home So you See that we have lost the two commisioned officers that were with us at Hilldale we have not got a captain at present Lieut Hill Cap Hill's Brother has the command of our company at present perhaps he will be promoted to Captain & a fine man he is to & I think will make a more [crossed out] [but] better captain than our first cap was for Second Lieutenant we have a young fellow from hear Jonesville by the name of Ed Champlin Ralph Stout has Some kind of a fever he was Sent to the Hospital yester -day perhaps you had better Speak to the Elder about it I do not know what kind of fever he has the doctor told philip Conklin that he would be wors than he now is Albert Carver does not Seem to gain much yet Michael Howland went to the Hospital yesterday the rest of the Boys from our parts are doing well at present & appear to be in good Spirits Well William I think I to Should be hapy to hear that peace was again established on principles of Justice & righteousness for my part I cannot Say that I really like the Soldiers life but I am here & mean to make the best of it Some how it Seems to me that this war cannot last a great while Time will tell There has quite a number of the 18th that have gone to their long homes there has about 70 died there is a large number on the Sick list probaly Co F does not report more than 40 men that are fit for duty So you See that the climate & exposure of camp life is haveing its affect on us if we are to remain in Servis Three years there will but few of us return to our homes as I have no more to write at present I will Close So good bye Write again & tell me how drafting Gets along in Wright & who has been drafted in Wright & tell all the other News I Am as Ever your Brother James Lickly To Wm Lickly