Ward, H Ky Gnl Hospital no. 3 Louisville April, 22 1863 Dear. Friend, M.[illegible] I, recd your kind and interesting letters. and have delayed writing untill the present time partly on the account of Sickness.. but think that I am better and hope to Soon enjoy my usual health again health is worth everything here. in the army I have not heard from the Boys in the regt for some time I Should love to be with them but do not know when I Shall go to the regt I can not go untill I am able to do duty and that may be Sometime yet the weather has been mild here for a few days part Some rain yesterday and last night the trees look green or beguin to look So fruit trees are in Bloom people are makeing gardens things beguin to grow finely o that I could have my time and liberty how I could enjoy the Season in Seeing the things in gardens and in the woods growing how green and fresh they look. I can hardly help exclaiming God harken the time when I can again enjoy the Buties of nature at my lesure and as I wish But there are many deprived in the Same manner that I am But many do not seem to think of those things. therefore they do not realise the privation as I do at times But I hope to Soon enjoy the pleasures that I have been deprived of for a Season. I close or Stop writing for a few moments Good By I just recd a letter from Albert they are in Tenasee the Boys are well I also recd one from Home I must Close this [remainder of letter lost due to torn paper]