Newport News Va. March 5th 1863 Dear Mother as I am not on drill this after noon I will try to write you a few lines I am well with the asceptions of the tooth ache I have had it all day pretty hard it is the old roots of my back teeth I am getting along first rate now adays I received a letter from Alvah yesterday he is well their Regt is at Falmath yet. whare they wer when we left the old camp I have answered his. Well now the mail has come again and brings me another letter it is from Uncle George. B they are all well also Mr Marys folks they live on the same place they did when you was out there I guess I shall write them a letter as soon as I get time Now Mother how goes the draft around home I guess there is some Scadaddleing about now around Old F. how does Mike Ayers and F.H. stand it have they paid another visit to Old Canida. we had a specimen of the draft come to the Regt today thare was eleven got here to day. they started with a squad of [88?] men and only got 44 through to the different Regts. the rest of them sliped away and left I think they are foolish they might better come down here whar it is warm weather as for my part I like it here very well Well Mother, I am so glad I did not wait for the draft I am perfectly content here Oh dear my teeth ache so hard I cant help write so mother you must excuse my poor writing and short letter and I will try it again some day. I hope I shall get another litter from you soon tell Sarah I am looking for one from her every mail I will write to her soon as for my likeness I cant get one taken here but if thare is any place around here after we get our pay I will try to get it for you we expect our pay in a few days. but may not get it in a month yet well my teeth ache to hard to write so I will Bid you Good Bye from your son B.F. Marsh [Written on side of Scan 3] now do write often one and all and I will do the same