Spring Hospital Near Harpersferry Mayreland Saturday Sept 18th /62 [Written upside down on the top of the letter and down the side and sideways] Well Mother I must tell you what I have to do here tonight – I have fifteen wounded men to tend I have to wet their wounds every (15) minutes I come here yesterday morning and have not Slept any yet but my time will be out about about twelve tonight then I will have a regular old Mich Sleep it is now nine o,clock I have had a good sound old shake of the ague to day which makes the fourth one I have had and I have to climb a pair of stairs every few minutes all day it makes my knees snap now if you can pick this out you will do pretty well I think now I dont see any more room so I will close Good Bye [End] Dear Mother I am in a Hospital but not sick nor wounded I am here as a nurse some of our boys are wounded but none very bad I am taking care of Will Shaw he is wounded in the breast tell his folks he is doing very well it is only a flesh wound from a miney ball which struck his suspender buckle and bruised his left breast the ball lodged and was cut out I have the ball with me he was wounded Wednesday afternoon and I come back here to him yesterday and shall stay with him until further orders from my Lieut he sent me back and told me to stay with the boys and do all I could for them we shall go back to Middletown or Fredric City as soon as he gets so he can go I will name over the boys that come with us that were hurt --- which were Miles, Hall slightly in the backside of the head he is doing very well, Elbert H Sawy Sawyer, in the right hand slightly. Walter, Holmes, flesh wound in the hip, and thare are two or three more but I dont know their names,.. tell Mr. Spaulding, Dewit, is all sound, he is acting as sargeant now in our Co. Clark Dibble is well Warren McCunber is here he has got a lame back somebody jumped on him when he was lieing down and hurt him, all the rest of the boys are well but I cant call their names. I have not heard from you yet but I think the mail will get to the Regt to day we have not heard from Havey and the boys yet. I hope they will come soon. our boys camped right by the Mich 7th the other day but I was back from the Regt. Dewit & Will Saw Sam Horback Tommy Robison Frank Flint and some other boys Alvah was back as with the teams ^ he is boss teamster he is well John [Sharpe] was back to the boys are all well and our army are doing noble work now the present prospects are encoura- -geing Mother I hope you are well & Father I hope his health is improve- -eing you must write all the particulars about home tell me just how you get along with matters & things and if Augustus does any thing for you, for I want to know all about it and if it is much harder for you that it was when I was for thare ^ I think that when Mr Benton comes back I shall see him and if I can do any more good at home than I an here or if I can make your life any happier I think he will let me come home and I think Will will be sent home as soon as he cin ride but not that I am not willing to stay here with the rest of the boys thought but as I have looked the matter over since I have bin away I think I did not do the right thing by leaving home but I hope you will forgive me I think of you at home most of the time and wonder how you are getting along I hope you will remember me in your prayers to God for I feel that this is the time when every one aught to love & serve the Lord O how I have wanted my bible since I have bin out here Mother I have broke myself of the misrebal habit of swereing and I mean to keep from it forever hereafter I find my sheet is full & I must bring this to a close write soon Good night this from your Son Benjamin. F. Marsh