Big. Spring. Hospital near Sharpsburgh Mayreland Sept 28th /62 Dearest Mother as I have a few moments to spare this evening I will Spend them in pening you a few lines to inform you how I am getting along with Will in the Hospital well it is tough biz you better think but I make it go pretty well so far Will is doing Tip Top but cannot sit up long and he gets pretty tired of being down as he has to lie on his back all the time and all the beds we have is a pile of straw on the floor with a blanket over it which makes rather a hard bed for any one when sick but if I could get one half as good I should be glad for when one o-clock comes I take my boots for a pillow and lie down on the floor and sleep until daylight then up and at it again I get pretty tired some days but as they are moving men away every day it wont be as hard they are sending back to Fredrick City all that can ride, and we are getting along fine here now as the Ladies from the [Cities?] are coming in almost every day with load of things for the Hospital such as shirts drawers socks & fruit of all kings which are very nice also wines lemons oranges & but I think or something if they could bring any ^ thing that would put these infernal creepers out of the way I would be very thankfull for it for we have plenty of them here and they are the regular old linebacks (with rings in their noses), they can just get right up and howl the reason why we haven't blankets enough is because they take so many boarders that they take legs and run away but if they would go boys and all I would be glad for they are to lazy to crack then when they [illegible in original] on their fingure nails Our Ward Master has bin giving them a lecture to day and I guess they will be a little more carful hereafter, Oh Mother I went up to the Regt Friday and who do you think I met but Mr. E.M. Havey almost the first man I saw when I got there he was sitting on the ground on his blanket with his Sword on his nees laughing and joking with the boys I was glad to see him and much more so to hear from home and hear that you wer well again as I have not recd any letters from home yet I went up on purpose after the mail and I recd the Rural dated Sept 13th and was very glad to get it I was quite pleased with the story in it about Jonathans Present perhaps you remember reading it that is about all I have had time to read yet and it took me one day and two nights to finish that now Mother I did think some of comeing Home with Will if he gets a furlough but I don't know as he will but I guess he can get one if he tries but we should have to pay our own fare Home & back and then I don't want to come Home until I can come to stay now you must write often for it is very lonesome here in the Hospital Sarah I have not got time to write to you this time but will soon you must not wait for me Good Bye Please except this from B.F. Marsh