Hd. [Qrs?] Army Patomac & Company G. 8th Mich Vols Sabbath Morning July 3rd 1864 Dear Mother. I have been looking for a letter from Home now for three or fam days. I thought certainly I should get one this morning for we had such a small mail yesterday only one letter and that was for the Commanding Officer of Company (G.) and always after getting a small mail one day we look for a large one the next day. but this beautifull morning when it come mail time the mail boy came along and said thare was no mail for us, not U.S. Grant nor United States but as the Johnies term is – [illegible] or [illegible] so I will Write one home. to pass the Sabbath as I can't go to Church I have written one letter to Augustus today and passed some of the time in reading my testament and Singing Oh no excuse me well trying to sing for as you know I am no singer, but I have to hear singing and especially here in the army. but we have but very little of it here. Oh I wish I was whare I was two short years ago. today. yes Mother it is almost two years since I enrolled my name in the services of the United State. and since that time I have seen somethings which I never want to witness again. Oh how often I think of it how fortu- nate I have been to escape thus far! I think it is through the kind protection of one who rules above and doeth all things well that I have been spared Oh how often I think of my Praying Mother at Home and long for the time to Come when we shall meet again~~~ Well Mother I suppose we will have a grand Salute for for the fourth of July tomorrow morning at three O.Clock I understand. it is reported around the lines today that the Rebs have said they wer going to surprise the whole World tomorrow I wonder what it will be I suppose we will learn Early in the morning but let them do as they may, we are well prepared for them and I think they will find some Yankees around them if it is the fourth day of July it is said we have (740) seven hundred and forty Siege pieces ready to open on them and I guess we can make a little music as well as they and make some of them dodge as for myself I have got a well fortified position for my Hd. Quarters built up with sand bags and dug down in the ground. I think I am all sound. Aut Terrys Hd Qrs are just by the side of mine we sit and chat together each under his own vine and fig tree oh no mine is a mulberry instead of a fig tree. I have lots of burries to eat they are large and nice. (Oh good here comes the mail at last and B Frank gets .one! two! three! Bulley for me - - - Well now I have looked my letters all over. and I fell fifty Dollars better than before now I suppose you well want to know who they are all from. Oh I feel so good I can't hardly write but one was from Grandfathers folks. [Leon Center?] are from Frank, Spaulding and the third from Miss. - - - - — - - - never mind I know. for I recieved her Photo (Oh you can't guess if You try ~ ~~ Now Johnies just be good until I finish this letter don't throw any more of your rotten balls over here hark I hear one comeing (Cover] Shell) all right I think they are mean to disturb me on Sunday when I give them all the week to play Ball. don't you Well Mother Grandfathers folks say they dont hear from you and want to know why you and Alvah and Sarah dont write Oh I get such good letters from them I love to write to them their address is [Leon Center?] Cateraugus Co N.Y. now do write to them and [illegible] Sarah write for I know it will Please them so they want me to send my Photograph have you had any more taken as is that man thare yet I left half a [doz?] when I come away but they wer not paid for Oh I wish I had some money I would have some taken from that Camp life. [illegible] you have. if you have one or two of mine you can spare I wish you would send me them. in your next. but that calls for money dont it to get any taken well I guess. we will get our pay soon. but if Alvah has sent any money Home I wish you to get some of those Photos of De Witts and mine Picture taken for me and send to me and when I get any Pay I will send enough to make it all right. Al owes me four or five Dollars at any rate Mother I wish you would get me one of the best lead Pencils for writing and send it in a [illegible] me I can't get any here that is good for anything and I want one so much. now I guess I want a good many things well you know I always did want this and that at Home. but you must not put yourself to any trouble to supply my wants I only want things so if it is convinant for you to get them and not without Oh dear it is such warm weather here. the Thermometer runs from 106o to 110o in the shade and that makes it very warm in the sun. Oh dear me my Paper is full I thought I had half a sheet to fill to Sarah yet but I see I am foolished this time [Shure?] Well, Well, I am Foolished Shure! now you see I am so pleased with my letters I am almost Crazy how I guess I well write a little to Sarah . My Dearest Sister You see I have made a big blunder in this letter I thought I had it full until I turned it to fold up then I saw my mistake but it is all the same in [Was?] time so I shant [word crossed out] make any apologies but will scratch away in my usual way untill I spoil this half sheet with all the rest now I believe it is not long since I wrote to you and I cant think of much to write as my head is so full of something I can not think of anything worth writing. I suppose we will have a jolly fourth of July tomorrow. I hope you will enjoy yourself better than I expect to I suppose we will have plenty of [illegible] at least I have just recd a letter from Grandfather and I will send it in my next one Home I must keep it until I answer it. I recd one from Frank [S?] he said they had not recd any more news from DeWitt yet. you tell about warm weather in Michigan Oh go away just come down here one day about noon and you will give up. well I must close soon but I am going to send you a piece of hard Bread that was taken from a harvesack on the Battle field here I think it is hard be carefull and not Eat it all up I suppose you will think it is so good = now I guess this is full write often. Yours in love Frank Mrs. H. J. Holmes.!! Fentonville Michigan!!