Good. News from. Frank, Good News to thee. has come away, from the Army Ward (4) 2 Div. Hospital Near Petersburg Va July 29th--/64 Well Dear Mother here I come again with some of my nonsence but I have been looking for a letter from Home now some days and it has not come so I will try my old remedy when I can't get one I write one and let that satisfy but it is a very poor satisfaction but when I write I am sure of getting one in a few days after -- well I suppose the first thing you will want to know how I am getting along well I am getting well again I begin to feel like Old B. Frank Marsh once more I shall keep pretty still for a few days yet untill I get my strength more than I think I will be all right I told Dr, [Written upside down on top of Scan 2] Write often Mother and I will try to do the same { [illegible] to Sarah, [End] Fox. yesterday I guessed I would go to my Regt. no says he you stay here a few days longer untill you get stronger – they have been sending some to the Point again today Oh I am glad I am well enough so as not to go thare although the sick are better cared for thare than we are here. but I had much rather get well and go to my Regt than be sick and go thare. Now I suppose You have been in a great fret about me. I am sorry but you must not worry. take things as quiet as you possibly can. and I will take as good care of myself as times will permit. I received a letter from Alvah two days ago with $2. 00 Dollars in it Oh how good it looked to me and it will do m so much good to as I have been out of [Written upside down on top of Scan 3] Address B. F. Marsh. Co G. 8th Mich V.V.I. 9th Care Washington D.C. [End] money so long but I knew it was of no use to send Home for any for I knew you had none. and I don't see how you have got along as you say you do without money. I fear you are in want and suffer for things you ought to have. Oh, I hope we will get pay soon so I can send you some to help yourself with Oh yes and I recd a letter from DeWitt Spaulding too he is still at Danville , Va, and says thare is nine of our boys with him all doing well one of them (H. M. Flint) has been reported as killed and letters have been written Home to his folks that he Was killed and DeWitt says he is with him and doing well. Oh how they will feel when they hear he is still alive. I think it is to bad to report any one Dead untill it is a [Written upside down across bottom of Scan 3 and Scan 2] Oh Mother I have My Testament almost read through. I read a great deal now for I have so much time. [End] shure thing now a good many of our boys said they saw DeWitt fall and knew he was shot but I knew that in such a confusion as there was there they did not know who fell and who did not. so I told them I did not think DeWitt was shot. Although I thought it very doubtful if we ever heard from him but says I. I shall tell his folks. that I am very shure he is a prisoner and wait for time to tell the rest and so it has and now. I am very glad I have done as I did about it. well as for Aut Terry. I guess he is well for he has not come back here sick and he was well when I left the Regt. _ _ _ _ I suppose Alvah will soon be at Home with You he wrote me he had only 29 days more and that was the 22nd he wrote me. well I hope he will prove himself a man when he gets home and not disgrace and degrade himself with strong drink well I see I must bring this to a close for want of room. this paper is not half large enough for me to write to Mother on but I hope to hear from you soon and hope this will find you well. and doing well give my respects to all Friends in F, except this with the [illegible] of an Affectionate Son B. Frank. Marsh [Written sideways on left side of Scan 5] Soldiers Letter 8th Mich, Vols [End] Mrs, H.J. Holmes !! Fentonville Michigan.